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Print Reply
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 09:19:45 -0800
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I'm happy to hear the latest news about Deano.  It sounds like the dispute
now is only about money, and not about where Deano should be living.  I
think that part of the school's suggested resolution is reasonable, namely
the scheduled visit to the school.  A visit to the school would benefit
everyone, because it would assure the students that Deano is being well
taken care of, and they would be able to see how much happier he is now
that he has a stable home environment.  I'm not so sure about the school's
proposal to have you "reimburse the students" for the eye surgery.  You are
right that there is no way to know which students contributed and how much,
and most likely the money would just end up in a general school fund.
Nevertheless, it would be nice for the students to feel that the money they
gave has done some good.  (Obviously it has, since Deano got the surgery he
needed, but it seems that the school is not convinced about that.) Let me
suggest a compromise.  How about if you give $225 to a charity organization
voted on by the students?  Maybe it could go to the humane society or to a
local ferret shelter in need of extra funds.  That way, it would in no way
seem that you have taken money from the students, and at the same time it
would give the students a voice in what happens with the money they
contributed.  Good luck, and I hope everything works out.  Give Deano a
hug for me!
[Posted in FML issue 2884]