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Sun, 28 Nov 1999 22:59:14 EST
Sandy Repper <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
They looked and looked and finally found the perfect hidey hole in the
middle of a large stand of trees.No one would ever find them here.They
set up camp,each hiding his special irreplaceable objects in a safe spot.
Preparations were begun and plans made to get back at Prince Litterbox and
the Sheriff of Knotingham,who had been very busy lately collecting taxes
and treats.
Word was soon spread all over the country about the band of merry
mustelids.New ferrets were arriving every day,each with their own story
about the Sheriff of Knotingham running rampant across the land,and Prince
Litterbox and his confiscation's.
They practiced the art of ferret warfare.They worked on hiding and then
leaping out to surprise unsuspecting passersby.The nip and run technique
was a favorite of all.They perfected the stealth approach,breaking and
entering,flat ferret,and became known far and wide for the disappearing and
reappearing in a different place routine.There were even a few talented
ferrets that taught their climbing techniques.Everyone taught what they
knew.  On one dark and stormy day,Hood noticed a quick slinking shadow
moving around the camp.It sent shivers down his spine and raised his tail
fur,but being of a curious nature,he moved out into the bushes and
undergrowth on an intercept course with the shadow creature.He found it
hard to keep up with it or keep it in sight,so he resorted to his keen
sense of hearing to stay close.All of a sudden he found himself face to
face with a small red colored ferret,and they both backed up a step.Never
one to mince words Hood asked the stranger what they wanted.
"I've come to join Ferret Hood and hid band of Merry Mustelids." she
answered proudly.Yes, the shadow creature was a jill,and a tiny one at
that,but a rather cute one, Hood thought.
"Are you so sure they'll accept you?"Hood chuckled."What skills do you have
to offer?"
"Of course,"she replied "I'm the fastest ferret in all of ferretdom."
"Really,"considered Hood "And your name is...?"
"Jill Cinnamon."supplied the long,slim redhead.
"Welcome,Jill Cinnamon.Come and meet the rest of our band."Hood invited.
They walked back to camp and as they approached the campfire someone called
out."Who's the new recruit Hood?"
"You're Ferret Hood,"Jill asked a bit perturbed.When Hood nodded his
head,she gave him a funny look and said,"Well,you could have said
something."She was then introduced to the others around the fire.
Jill lived up to her boast and was the fastest ferret Hood had ever
seen.She was also very good at slinking and sneak attacks.As training
continued,Hood was sure they were as ready as they ever were going to be.
It was time for their first robbery,to steal from the rich and to irritate
the Sheriff and through him, Prince Litterbox.
As translated from the dook by Sandy and Fuzzbeans
[Posted in FML issue 2880]