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Sun, 28 Nov 1999 23:21:32 -0700
text/plain (23 lines)
I need help.  I have three suddenly very itchy fuzzies and I am at a loss
as to what to do.  I know that ferrets itch a lot, but this has become
excessive.  I tried giving them a bath using the same shampoo they've
always used and took care that they were rinsed thoroughly.  I gave them
clean blankets washed with my regular soap and double rinsed.  I've checked
over and over again for something they might be getting into while they
are out of their cage.  The two younger ferrets in the other cage have no
problems and they use the same play area but at different times.  There
is no rash and no parasites that I can see with a magnifying glass.  (Try
getting a ferret to hold still for that!!) Also, it seems to be an all-over
itch, not just ears or butts, etc.  What do I look for now?  Is there some
product I can put on them to give them some relief?  We all would
appreciate any suggestions.  This is making us all a little nutso.  Thanks
in advance.
Bobbi and the Merry Masters of Mayhem
Rascal, Dickens, Calamity Jane, Booker and Angelica
Many a child has been spoiled because you can't spank grandmas.
[Posted in FML issue 2880]