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Mon, 22 Nov 1999 07:47:36 EST
"Susan D." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I'm a little behind, but thought I'd respond to Brandi's question about
volunteering our pets at hospitals, nursing homes, etc.
I belong to Friends of the Shelter, a local group that supports our local
county shelter (cats and dogs).  I am also the county's contact person for
ferrets, which they receive on occasion.  We just started taking our pets
to the hospital to visit the rehabilitation patients (they stay long
periods of time).  It was great!  We had a lot of fun and the people there
just loved it!  The other volunteers all brought their dogs and I took one
of my ferrets (my cats would not lower themselves to be "leashed" and
paraded around).  Arthur was a hit!  People loved him!  They had all kinds
of questions, so it was kind of an "educational" day too.  I He was a
little cranky since I had him stuffed in a snuggle sack, so I had to hold
him.  Next time I'm taking Oscar, my old guy; he's very sweet and doesn't
nip or anything.  The group plans on starting visitations at a nursing home
too.  Some of us felt that since that's the permanent residence of the
people there, whereas the hospital people get to go home, it would be more
meaningful to the folks there.  It's interesting too, the more I'm out with
my ferrets, the more people I meet who know what they are or they know
someone that has one or somebody in the family has one, etc.
I think if you have the right ferret with the right temperament, it can be
a lot of fun, not only for the people you're visiting, but for yourself as
and my four freaky ferrets Zeus, Thor, Arthur, and Oscar
(the cats are freaky too)
[Posted in FML issue 2874]