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Sun, 21 Nov 1999 22:36:21 -0800
Randall Duke <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hello to all
I have read about this problem before and I understand that some ferrets
just don't do well in group.  but, I'm hoping for some insight.  We have
had Wheezy for the last 4 yrs she is small , healthy, and we love her with
our whole hearts.
Well, I have just taken in 3 new ferrets : Noah a very laid back male,
Livia (a very curious, active, stubborn female just looking for trouble),
and then Coco an older female ( pour baby. lived in a cage hanging from a
tree for two year in all types of weather) she is very sweet and easy
Both of the Jill's lived by themselves and have adapted very well to Noah
and the other jill.  Wheezy on the other hand is not adapting very well.
At 1st I thought it was Wheezy that was attacking Coco and chasing Liv.
Only once have I seen Wheezey and Livia chasing each other in the clear
tube.  I assumed they were playing , I was so excited !: ) Now it looks
like Coco and Liv are both ganging up against My Wheezy.  Liv & Coco will
go into the bed room hunt Wheezy down and proceed to grab her.  Wheezy
starts sounding like a squeaky toy and usually one of the Jill's has her by
the neck .  I can't stand to watch this and I always break it up.
How does the social structure work with ferrets ?  Have there been any
study's done?  Documentaries ?  I need some experts to let me know how to
handle this.  I am worried that this stress will make Wheezie sick.  I have
a ferret room for the new 3 but, I do like to let them out.  When I do let
them out I can see their little brains going : " lets go find that other
ferret and let her know who's in charge here." " If she won't play with us,
we'll just beat her up !"
They can have the run of the whole house and they go straight to the
bedroom door and start scratching to get in.
Thank for any and all advice,
Annie : Wheezie, Liv, Coco, and Noah boy
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[Posted in FML issue 2873]