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Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:30:35 EST
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Lynn Siegel is who I would nominate.  She is one of those miraculous people
who has touched many of our hearts.  If you had a sick ferret, or an
injured one, or a dying one, or one that passed away--Lynn probably wrote
to you -a stranger- to share your sorrow and give you comfort.
I see people thanking her occasionally on FML.  She is like a ghost.  She
writes an occasional article.  But her spirit is what makes the FML what it
is.  She sends messages of inspiration and jokes, comfort and tears to so
many of us-even when she is suffering a terrible loss.  Her heart must be
overflowing with love.  She deeply cares for many kinds of animals.  And
although I may never see her--she is my friend.
For a total stranger-she sent over 50  3 foot peacock feathers from her
peacocks.  I gave many of them to Mary from FAIR who was able to sell these
to raise money for her shelter.  I cannot imagine the shipping charge Lynn
payed or difficulty she had packaging them.
She is one of the reasons I get tears in my eyes explaining this list we
are on.  She is one of Gods miracles.  And I feel that we are truly blessed
to have her here on FML.
[Posted in FML issue 2869]