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Thu, 11 Nov 1999 11:13:25 -0800
Tysa Jayne Strait <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
Since everyone is on the subject I feel compelled to give my two cents on
I try not to buy anything from them anymore, but quite a few of my parents
ferrets are from there and one of ours is.  Most of these were rescues.
They were ferrets bought and returned.  Our girl Holley was at least 6 mos
old when we brought her home.  She had been bought four times.  The longest
anyone kept her was two weeks.  Word is she finally bit the guy hard enough
he brought her back.  I believe that at least one if not all of these homes
abused her.  She still bites if given a chance while in the right (or
wrong) mood.  There was a manager at this Petco (in Yakima) Who had ferrets
of her own.  She wanted to take Holley home but she was sooo tiny and the
manager was afraid her boy ferts would hurt her.  We talked to her about
Holley for awhile and she knew we had experience with ferrets so we bought
her at half price.  She had told us that Holley couldn't be sold to anyone
who hadn't dealt with ferrets before.  The employees didn't listen because
this was before she was bought the third time.  I must give this manager
credit she cared about the animals and always tried to place the returned
ferrets in responsible loving homes.  The new manager I don't care for and
I know he doesn't know ferrets.  The teenagers they hire know absolutely
nothing.  The care of ferrets there is not why I stopped buying (Their fish
are responsible for wiping out whole tanks with diseases.  They even were
going to sell me a sick fish, I was told it just wouldn't have a warranty.)
I also feel I'd rather support the smaller businesses and the Ferret Store.
Sorry I guess my two cents got stretched to two dollars.
Love to all and prayers for the sick fuzzies.  I heard one of my boys
sneezing last night and couldn't sleep until he was sleeping, sneezing is
nothing compared to what some are dealing with.
Tysa, Dana, and the Havoc Wreaking Weasies
[Posted in FML issue 2863]