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Tue, 9 Nov 1999 00:48:04 -0500
Silver Eagle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (69 lines)
This is a long sad story, hopefully with a happy ending.  About 2 years
ago, a man in town, who has more money than brains,bought 2 baby ferrets
from an out of town pet store.  He has always wanted to have ferrets.He
spends hundreds of $ for elaborate cages and cat tree.  His wife hates them
and after a very short trial, demands that he remove them from her house.
At the time I had an ad in the local paper for a lost ferret.  Mr. Money
phones me and asks if me if I would know anyone who would want to take
these 2 sweet little ferrets.  His reason,...
he forgot that they go to Florida every winter for the whole winter.(DAH) I
try to convince this guy that ferrets travel well and could easily go with
them.  At this point I still don't know that the wife has read the riot
act.  I offer to ferret-sit for the winter and they can take the ferrets
back when they return in the spring.  This guy is making like it's breaking
his heart to give up his ferrets.  I offered to help keep them together by
just looking after them...all the well knowing it would break my heart to
part with them when the time came.  Mr. Money's son talks him into keeping
the ferrets and they decide to set them up "At the office".  The office is
the combination of 2 boat related businesses, and they proceed to set up a
very elaborate and ferret friendly home at the warehouse.Ferrets get lots
of attention from customers and staff who shower them with all kinds of
attention.  I am sad on one hand, because they were almost mine, but on the
other hand I am happy for the owner.  After all I know how I would feel if
I almost had to give up my babies.  A few weeks later, I go to visit them
and see they are happy, healthy and getting lots of love and attention.
Last week out of the blue I get a call from Mr. Money's secretary.  It
seems the place of business is changed.  The ferrets no longer have their
elaborate set up at the warehouse but are now at the secretary's house and
she says she no longer has time for them and wonders if I will take them or
help find a new home.  During further conversation I discover, that the
ferrets are now locked in a storage room in the basement and get a total
of 10 minutes a day of human contact.  The kids have lost interest in the
ferrets, now that they have a new puppy.  I said I would talk it over with
my SO and decide and get back to her.
Well today took the cake.  These poor ferrets who were once the center of
attention, are now locked in the basement.  They escaped their jail and
find their way to the main part of the house and dig up plant, terrorize
the aquarium and husband demands that they be gone by the week-end.  To top
it all off these little guys have stopped eating and have lost some weight.
The lady is hesitant to leave them with me because my guys are only free
roam when I am home and her guys have never been caged.  What the h--l does
she call locking them in the basement.
These guys came to my home this evening on the condition they get along
with the cage of ferrets they will be rooming with.  I am determined to
make my home their final home and my kids the only family they care about.
Tonight, I introduced their cage mates one at a time.  We let one out of
the cage and let them mingle and get to know each other for about 1/2 hr.
Then we let out another one.  We had a few, well ok a lot of bottle brush
tails, a few minor scraps but no blood shed.  I think it's just the normal
getting to know you and where do I stand in the scheme of things, sort of
thing.  I hope all goes as well or even better than tonight.  I hope the 2
newbies, soon feel comfortable in their new home.  They are Smokey and
Bandit.  They are very thin and a little nervous, but in my heart, I think
they will do well here.  The last thing on earth I figured on doing was to
add to my already full house.  I could not turn these little guys away.  I
didn't have the heart to let them pass by a second time.
Cross your fingers for us, that these 2 soon feel welcome and start putting
weight back on.
Sally St. Germain and the Dookn Dozen
Hi.....my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic.... and I think I need
[Posted in FML issue 2860]