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Mon, 8 Nov 1999 17:40:20 -0000
Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
In January I was approached by a published regarding writing a book on
ferrets.  They actually wanted the impossible... they wanted me to write
"All About Your Ferret" in just 5000 words.  Obviously with having such a
limit I could only scratch the surface of ferret care.  Main topics lightly
covered are:-
Choosing a ferret, Ferret characteristics, Setting up home, feeding,
training and health care.
Anyway it's published by Ringpress Books ISBN 1-86054-171-2.  The publisher
has set the price at GBP 1.75.  The book is also destined for the US market
published by Barrons.
Keith, the photographer, took some nice shots of some of my gang.  Max, a
sandy and my best racing ferret, is on the cover.  There's a nice shot of
Brecon, my disabled silver mitt, on page 2.  Piper is dispensing kisses on
page 3.  Stanley, my blind poley, is also being a kissy ferret on page 18.
There are other shots of some of my ferrets but I must admit that I'm
having trouble trying to identify which albino is which, in fact, I just
couldn't remember which ferrets I used during the photo shoot.
Bolton Ferret Welfare.
Membership Secretary & Editor of The National Ferret Welfare Society.
Web Site: www.btinternet.com/~sheila/ferrets.htm  last update 8 October 1999
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge: Jill, Deanna Troy, Cameron, Carnath, Button,
Bill, Bobby, Jasper, Inga & Holly
The views expressed by me are not necessarily those of the NFWS.
[Posted in FML issue 2860]