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Thu, 4 Nov 1999 21:14:24 -0500
"Capt. Nodrog" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
just about killed Byte-me tonight.  THey get under the couch..  Have taken
the legs off it so it sets fully on the floor.  THey get in there anyway
thru the cushions and back and all.  Well, tonight, lifted the couch up,
shoooo'd them both out, and let the couch down and went to the puter room.
Was gonna go check mail in the mail box outside, needed to know where they
were before I opened the door, and looked under the couch first thing.
Well, Byte-me had run back faster than my eye, and I didn't see that I had
let the couch down on her neck, She had been there a while before I found
her.  SHe was totaly limp when I picked her up.  She let out a gasp when I
picked her up, thought that was her last.  SHe wasn't breathing.  I about
died myself, holding her, and then she started breathing but didnt move.
She is moving now, wants me to hold her... SHe came as close to death as
you get...
She was totaly limp for several minutes and showed no sign of life for
quite a while.  I paced up and down not knowing what to do.  THen I noticed
she was breathing, saw the fur moving a bit, so knew whe was alive, but
barely.  Didn't know about broken bonds cuz I let the couch fall the last
foot or so to the floor.  I guess the rug somewhat cushioned the fall and
gave her just that fraction of an inch of room to keep from breakin her
neck, and allowing the most minute of air to get to her.  After about 15
minutes or so, she moved her head just a tiny bit, and she curled into my
hands.  I knew she was alive but how hurt?  Checked for broken bones, and
she is the most tiny and frail ferret anyway.  Didn't detect any but their
shoulder area is not like other animals, wasn't sure.  She was terribly
still, but breathing regularly and in good pulse.  I just held her.  After
a bit, she moved her head more, and seemed to want me to just hold her,
which I did.  About an hour later, I made a nice soft place for her beside
me here in the puter room where she could lay still.  SHe would do so only
if I was touchin her some where, she didn't want me to leave her and wanted
rest her chin on my hand, nothing else would do.  Was just fine with me..
Is amazing how these little animals communicate.  Just like my vet told me,
when a ferret is ill, they will tell you.  ANd she did.  In another hour,
she was slowly walkin about a bit.  I put her on the water bed where she
loves it sooo much, and she crawled under the covers.  SHe seemed to be
recovering well and showed no sign of pain so she was put in the cage to
stay quiet.  A few raisens later, she was all but playing again.
It just doesn't get any closer than that!  THe love of my life gone by my
own hand.  Huge lesson learned on that one for sure.  Another few minutes
here on the system and Byte-me would have been gone for sure, it was that
close.  She was not breathing at all when I first picked her up from under
the couch.  I am thankful, very thankful.
[Posted in FML issue 2856]