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Thu, 4 Nov 1999 09:49:06 -0500
David Welch <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Paula, my girl Rune changes colors every fall when her winter coat comes
in.  She is now a nice darker color than she used to be.  My only mild
concern is that it looks like she lost a lot of weight recently too so I
am keeping an eye on her though from what I understand a little shift in
weight during the seasonal changes is not unheard of.
My newest adoptee Ash is quite a bundle!  Not only is he my first male
ferret but he also seems to think he's a feline!  HE has been sleeping
nights in the cage with Trill (my BIG girl) and they have not bit each
other's heads off.  RUne and Ash still have some relations to work out
though.  The real story, however, is with the cat!  Azrael.  Azrael has
become well adjusted and been taught the ferret Nip 'N' Chase Game and
plays well with others.
Ash doesn't seem to quite understand though.  My first inclination to
think that Ash was a cat is that the first day I had him home he and the
cat stopped right by the door to their room, side by side, looked at each
other, looked at the door, and both laid down in exactly the same
position, two inches apart, and stared at the exact same blank spot in
the distance like felines are wont to do just to confuse us humans.
A couple days ago Ash and Azrael are playing around by the food and water
dishes and I see Azrael has backed Ash up into a little corner.  Well!  Ash
will have None.  Of.  That.  And CHARGES into Azrael.  Azrael batbats her
paws, Ash charges right into her chest and bowls himself over against her
chest.  Azrael's expression of incredulity was priceless.  She scampers
away from the Big Bad Ferret Boy and leaps up onto a comfortable perch by
the window she likes to crash on.  Ash hmphs and dooks and bounces after
her, intent on the "kill".  Out of his reach though, Azrael peers down over
the edge of her perch, watching the insane fuzzy.  Ash then leaps up as
best as he can and whaps Azrael right on the nose!  And continues to do
this leaping and swatting until he gets bored for Azrael has now quite
removed herself from reach on the perch and watches with amusement.
Then last night... Azrael is curled up nice n cozy like on the bed and
relaxing, enjoying a little cat nap when up rushes Ash!  Ohhhhh no!  No
sleepiness allowed in the cat!  Ash shoves her snout right up Azrael's rear
and wakes the disgruntled new feline play toy.  Azrael turns to see what is
going on, raising and stretching and for the next five minutes Ash manages
somehow to become a furry jumprope and slides in and out of as many of
Azrael's legs as possible to confuse the feline and trips her up again...
and again... and again... Azrael _finally_ manages to recover her dignity
but for such an offense, a hiss is warranted to let the playful Ash know
she means business.  Ash dooks and bounces on Azrael yet again...
Gonna be FUN having those two together...
Dave Welch
Rune "Look Dad! I'm the Amazing Color Changing Ferret!"
Trill "Is that a raisin I smell?"
Azrael "What IS this demon you brought in the household dad?"
[Posted in FML issue 2856]