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Sat, 30 Oct 1999 21:57:32 -0700
Ben Roach <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Hello everybody,
It's been a couple of months since you all have heard from me.  However,
I have a new 9 week old baby!!  Those of you who remember my stories of
having to beg and plead, or bed and please, well I found a new way to get
my new baby.  My partner, Jeff, was on his way to Phoenix helping his
sister move when I went to a ferret awarness day with Judith and Charleen.
We all went over to Judy's home to see the new ferret she brought back from
Phoenix.  I got to see Nicky's and Butterscotch's babies.
Since Jeff wasn't home and I had wanted one of Nicky's babies since I saw
his picture on the web, and Judy offered me one, well, Jeff wasn't around
to argue so I said ok.  So feeling a little worried about what his reaction
was gonna be I decided to tell him via email instead of over the phone.  A
few days went by calling each other several times during each day he never
mentioned the email.  He returned home on Wednesday and I asked if he had
read ALL my emails?  He reported that there was a problem with his friends
computer and he may have lost them.  I'm sitting there going oh shit, as
my new little one was running around and playing in the basement.  I was
on pins and needles all night and decided not to tell him that night since
he was very tired from his travels, not to mention that he was sick as a
dog!!  I went back down and pulled up the email I had orginally sent and
re-sent it.
Next day he called in sick and I headed off to work, without telling him.
I called him once that morning and asked again if he had a chance to read
his email.  He said he would do it shortly, by this time he knew there was
something I had to say and was afraid to tell him.
Later on that morning I phoned again and told him that I had final
confirmation on a candle party I was planning and asked what he was doing.
His response was "I'M DOWN STAIRS WITH A NEW BABY FERRET!!" I asked if it
was time for me to move out and he said no, the baby was cute.  I was most
Today, Saturday, I went to a fund raiser party sponsored by the WSFA, and
immediately got a page from Jeff making it very clear, NO MORE FERRETS.
I have had my eye on an albino, and he said if it was that important I
could bleach the new baby white.  No flames for this, he was just kidding
and I wouldn't do that!!
It has taken me so long to write this because we didn't have name for the
new little one until tonight.  Our newest baby is Trevor.
I hope everybody if doing fine and well and give all your fuzzies hugs and
kisses for me.  Those that know me, know I really mean it!!  Take care
Jeff of the Starship
USS Fuzzcruiser
Casey -         First Officer
Madelyn -       Helmsman
Max -   Security Officer
Trevor -  Transporter Chief
[Posted in FML issue 2851]