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Sat, 30 Oct 1999 23:07:16 -0400
Michele Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Hi All,
Been awhile since I've last posted on the list but have been trying to
catch up with all the dailies and have finally finished!  Just wanted to
let everyone know that after a real shaky week with Finny, he seems to be
leveling out (finally) and now has soft-formed BROWN (YEAH!) stools and is
eating crunchies on his own again!  Whooopppeee!  Last week, he spent four
days in the hospital, in intensive care, with an IV stuck in his arm for
hydration.  He's had many blood tests....with an average in the 50's for
his BG's and a pretty dismal ultrasound...seems both his adrenals are
enlarged, one side with some mineralization, soooo we're just trying to get
through one thing at a time now.  I know he's an old guy, so I just want
him to have a little bit of time knowing he has a warm bed, comforts of
home, and a Momster who loves him....and no pain in his belly.  As of now
surgery is just not an option, next week we will get another BG to see how
he's doing with that, and as far as the adrenals go, right now he's got
more hair on his tail and butt than anywhere else!  The hair on his scruff
is already coming in beautifully, and thank God he takes his pred and Amoxi
like they are treats now.
I was sick earlier in the week, got bit by a rat at work, went right
through my middle finger.  Had to take pain meds and antibx that tore
my stomach up worse than the pain from the bite ever would have!!
Rob.....I don't know about messing with strenghts of herbals for the
smaller chillin' but I do know that we've used the Dong Quoi and Black
Cohosh, along with a little valerian root, with fractious PMS'ing mares
with excellent results, especially cystic mares.  The drugs you cited are
appropriate, just not sure if I would try the smaller amounts on the little
ones is all.
Nancy, you did not mention where the balding on your older kid's tail
is...if it's just the tail, it may be due to stress at having two new ones
in the house in such a short time frame....just a hopeful thought!  It
might not be adrenal too.
Well, gotta go get some magazine reading done, my dog gets me up EARLY on
Sundays to go do her agility practice!  Wouldn't it be neat to have agility
events for ferrets???
Michele & the 8-iz-enuff gang
[Posted in FML issue 2851]