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Tue, 26 Oct 1999 20:00:54 -0700
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Bob Church's explanation re ferrets' eating habits was very informative and
interesting.  Helped me to understand that the little 3-year old female I
took in who had only eaten low quality cat food would not touch anything
else, and I do mean nothing else, was not just being stubborn.  Took a
month and a lot of effort, but she now eats duck soup, ferret food, and
will take a lick of Ferritone.
On the other end of the spectrum, I just took in an older lost boy who is a
junk food eater.  You don't need to squeak a toy to call him, just rattle a
bag of chips and he can't get to you fast enough.
My husband has a question for Bob: if we had totally isolated our youngest
two boys (who he affectionately, and sometimes not so affectionately,
refers to as the "gang members") from the smell, taste or sight of leather
and rubber for the first year of their lives, would he still have to put
his rubber-soled tennis shoes on the top shelf of the bookcases, and would
the little gang members return his watch with the leather band that he
knows they stole?
Posted anonymously to protect the innocent in the CA F&G's jurisdiction
[Posted in FML issue 2847]