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Sun, 24 Oct 1999 07:20:26 PDT
Marie Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
First, when we got Tazz, our female sable with 4 white mitts, she was the
smallest thing I ever saw.  She also had the stinky smell to her like her
glands were still there.  We and the store figure that since was so small
that they might not got all the glands outs.  She has out grown the smelly
stage after a while.
Hagen was willing to give us another ferret and take Tazz and put her down,
we said no.  We didn't like the idea of that, then the pet store employee
talked to Hagen and told them we were'nt impressed with what they was going
to do to Tazz, someone got hold of me and said we could keep Tazz, plus
have another ferret.
Second, when we adopted the boys, they were only let out for 1 hour a day,
to play.  Kodiak who was a hob for a while, was the heaviest of the 3, he
could not even climb out of the cage, we had to help him out, he slimmed
down, after a while, he still weighs in around 4 lbs, he has the bulldog
face too.  We have the boys now for 1 yr 5 months, Kodiak has gone thru a
change, from being a biter, (I figured he was not handled much) to now
being a big boy who wants to be held and cuddled for a few minutes.  He
wants his doggie biscuit handed to him, same with his raisin.
He comes up and lays by your foot and nudges it with his nose if he is not
noticed right away.  So lovable adorable one.  I still carrry the bite
marks from him.
Marie and her 7 Kidlets
[Posted in FML issue 2845]