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Fri, 22 Oct 1999 09:38:04 -0400
Carrie Paps <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
Thanks to everyone who offered advice and help paying for Pip's surgery.
Now let me say one thing, I'm a NERVOUS mother.  We brought Pip home on
Wednesday evening, he looked horrible.  I couldn't stop crying and telling
him how sorry I was that Momma made him go through this.  My Pip has never
been a cuddlier, but that night, he just curled up on my chest and slept.
We offered regular food, but he didn't eat.  On Thursday morning, still
wasn't eating, so I made some really runny duck soup and tried feeding him
through a syringe.  He took about 3 cc before he wanted to lay down.  I
did notice how dehydrated he was, he poor little neck still looked like my
fingers, more tears from Momma.  I called the vet, he said, as long as he
was drinking (which he was) and was taking a little duck soup, he should be
fine.  Hubby tried feeding him a few times during the day yesterday but Pip
wasn't too interested.  When I got him from work I tried, Pip ate 9 cc.
WHOOPEE!!!  We then went to our Support Meeting (I was running it, couldn't
miss it), when we got home I tried feeding Pip again, 12 cc this time!!!!
Ok, I cried again :)  The doc called us about this time, the tumor was not
cancer and we discussed the size of the incision, his eating, dehydration,
and BM's.  Everything seems to be coming along great.  This morning, I
warmed up the soup and placed it in his cage so he could eat by himself
while I got ready for work.  He was out of his recovery sack and chowing
down for about 5 minutes.  Then when I was leaving for the day, he was up
walking around in the cage, looking better, and wanting to see us.
I can't thank everyone enough for their support, friendship, advice, and
love!  I wasn't prepared for seeing him like that, but now I know, we did
the right thing.  You all are wonderful!
[Posted in FML issue 2843]