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Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:10:59 EDT
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi Folks!
This here is them webmessin', Wisconsin snoweasles, Tater and Odie, comin'
atcha agin.  How y'all are?  We is jest fine-like.  Whew!  It's been a long
spell since we said Howdy to all our friends here on the FML  We's been
a'readin' it every day but we has just been too busy stockpilin' raisins
for the Winter to write no letters.
We's been helpin' our big Sister Lyra take care of that new young'un of
hers.  Before we git did raising that l'il guy he's gonna think that he's a
fert just like us.  Yesiree, he's gotten mighty partial to raisins and is
turnin' out to be a first-class sock hider.  We's also been busier than a
long-tailed ferret in a room full of rockin' chairs takin' care of our Joy
to the World!  Ferrret Web Ring.  Lots of new folks has joined up and we is
havin' jest all kinds of fun.
The Old Fert is doin' purty good and we keeps in touch on account of we
sure do miss him and Mee Maw.  They is still doin' all kinds of pooter
stuff for folks.  Paw Paw's workin' full time for Mee Maw now 'cause his
eyeballs gotted too bad to do a whole big bunch of drivin' to other places.
The doctor says he gotted some nervous damage from bein' in that there coma
fer so long and he's havin' to get a whole big bunch of tests so they can
finger out how to help him see good again.  It ain't gotted him down none
though.  He's still just as crazy as he always was.
In fact, he done went and started a whole new mailing list that sends out
funny stuff what he done made up and that other folks sends to him.  He
calls it the Grins Mailing List and you can prescribe by sending him a
email at [log in to unmask]  It don't go out on no regular basis - just
whenver he gets enough round tuits.
Well, Allen just woke up from a nap so we reckon we better git back to his
sock stealin' lessons.  We sends a big ol' hug out to everyfolk and fert
out there and some special hugs and prayers to anybody what ain't feelin'
so good right now.
Tater and Odie
Web Page:   http://members.aol.com/emssandy/personal.htm
Web Ring:   http://members.aol.com/emssandy/ring.htm
[Posted in FML issue 2838]