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Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:46:20 -0400
The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Mom's too busy again to give you all an update with what's going on here.
The rest of you shelter moms and dads know what it's like :o)
Rusty is doing great.  He's really learning to get around with just one
leg.  I'm so proud of him!  Ra was supposed to go in last week for adrenal
surgery, but it had to be postponed.  Maybe in November.
Hobo is the baby here.  He is so cute, even I get jealous when mom is
kissing him.  He's not ready for adoption yet, he still has to be neutered
(poor guy).  Mom watched a neuter a few weeks ago and now threatens dad by
telling him to be nice to her because she knows how to neuter him now!
Casper has finally found a foster home to go to.  Mom was sad a lot because
of him.  he's 4 years old and has Cardiomyopathy.  We were looking for a
foster home for him for a long time now.  So mom's really happy we found
Mik isn't doing so well.  He had an abscess in his neck last year, and we
drained it and put him on antibiotics, but it came back again.  He has a
big tube in his neck that drips this stuff out.  Everyone that visits says
it's gross, but I understand what it's like.  I've had stuff like that
coming from my eye.  We aren't sure what it is yet, but we think he could
have the same thing I did.  Actinomyces.  I feel so sad for Mik.
P.J. found a home this week despite having been a ferret with no adrenals.
His new parents love him very much and I am so happy that he is in such a
good home.
As for me, I go to the University of Guelph every week for something.  Last
week they cut my eye socket open again and put in an anti fungal med pack.
They found some sort of fungus growing deep in my eye socket.  Mom says it
won't be for much longer that I'll have to do this.  The shelter is holding
a celebrity auction for me on Halloween.  please have a look
I go back to the hospital next Friday too.  But, like I said before, I have
a girlfriend there!  Mary thinks I'm the cutest ferret she's ever seen.
More next week....
Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society "For the love of our Fuzzy Friends"
Use your mouse to raise funds for the shelter at no cost to
you! Click here!!
[Posted in FML issue 2837]