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Tue, 12 Oct 1999 13:54:52 -0400
Tammy&Jeff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
hello.  please dont flame me......for i am only typing my opinion.  i have
been reading all the posts from all the upset people about the stuffed
ferret on ebay.  i wish i could of seen it, the only thing that might of
upset myself about it would be that i believe someone posted that it had
its mouth open bareing teeth in a mean manner, i wouldnt of liked that
eithor....but...i see nothing wrong with haveing a ferret stuffed.  i have
already decided that when jinx does pass, that i too will have to take a
trip to a taxidermist and have him stuffed so i can forever enjoy him.
that probably sounds morbid to most, but that is what i want to do.  i
wouldnt put him for all to see though, i would have him in the privacy of
my bedroom so i wouldnt risk disrespecting him or else others that visit my
home.  some have told me that when they loose their fuzzies, it would be
too hard for them to look at them if they were stuffed........i understand
that and who knows?....when the time comes for jinx, maybe I too will not
beable to do so.....but right now i have the opinion that it is a good
thing to do .
tamjam and jinx
[Posted in FML issue 2833]