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Print Reply
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 19:11:23 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
I believe that the main issue regarding pets.com selling their food at
below wholesale cost is the concept of unethical behavior.  I don't have
access to TFS' financial records, but if a huge portion of their profits
come from sale of ferret foods, and they go without that profit while
pets.com is running their insane sale, then TFS DOES indeed run the risk of
going out of business.  We all say "Oh, but it's just while it's on sale
and I'll notice when it isn't!" but you've got to think beyond that.  If
Pets.com can afford to sell things below wholesale cost until the LOSS of
sales for TFS forces them to shut down, then they've won an unethical
battle.  And, if they are able to kill the competition in this manner, then
when they DO raise their prices, there will be nothing we can do but be
reeled in like trout.  Pets.com, in my opinion, is making monopolistic
movements that would be frowned upon by the powers that be in the
Think about the economic impacts on The Ferret Store in the long run.  Your
one order of cheap TF might not kill TFS, but everyone ordering food from
pets.com while it's on sale WILL surely ruin TFS.
Laura & the Fuzzies
|  /\_/\                Laura Hess                       |
|=(=^*^=)=          Kent State University                |
|  / ~ \               English Major                     |
| ( | | )             Economics Major                    |
|  ~^ ^~(_              Animal Lover                     |
|       *_)                                              |
[Posted in FML issue 2827]