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Thu, 30 Sep 1999 08:58:17 EDT
Connie Martin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Maggie can teleport!  She's very excited about this newly acquired skill
of hers.  I am not so excited.  I came back from taking Butch to the vet
(another respiratory infection)!  Let him out of the carrier and begin
looking for Maggie.  Maggie is no where to be found.  I look in all her
favorite places and no Maggie.
I go downstairs and begin with the squeaky toy-suddenly she appears from
under the sofa.  I take her back upstairs and wonder how she got out and
decided that I must be to blame somehow.  I relate to people at my office
that she can teleport.  She tell me I've lost my mind.  I go home last
night and again no Maggie.  I search the room (why bother right)?  I go
downstairs, do the squeaky routine again and out she pops.  Now I know
she was sleeping when I left the house, I even waited a while longer then
usual to leave so I could learn her little trick but since she is much more
intelligent than I am she waited till I was long gone.  Of course I know
how she was getting out.  She was leaping over the barricade.  She figured
out that if she climbed up the back of the television, stood at it's very
edge and jumped she could get out of the bedroom to ferret freedom!  The
television is about 36 inches off the floor so this was a "giant leap for
ferret-kind." So I closed the bedroom door last night when I went to bed,
no more barricades.  I did hear her try to teleport through the door at 4
AM but she was OK, no broken bones or cuts, just hurt pride.  I think she
was so proud of her little trick and thought that mom would be so pleased.
Silly lo' ferret!
Connie, Butch (if you wait a minute she'll pick you up and carry you, silly
girl), and Maggie (I can fly! I can fly!)
[Posted in FML issue 2821]