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Sat, 11 Sep 1999 07:42:46 -0700
Maryjo Dullum <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
Dear Jennifer,
I'm no expert on insulinoma, but treated one for 11 months (also had ece,
and adrenal when first discovered, we were new to ferret illnesses at the
time).  I kept her alive and at 6 years old, felt she had a pretty good
quality of life, just not a lot of spunk.  Lots of love though.  When her
time came, we helped her across the bridge where she could be with her
"brothers".  During the time I was treating her (also with prednisone) we
lost another to an accident, one to bleeding ulcers that we treated for
three months when he finally gave up and we helped him across the bridge,
then another with cardiomyopathy, also treated for three months and then
helped him across the bridge.  We lost four of our babies within a seven
month period, really hard!  :-(
In the middle of all this, I had another black sable who I just had
suspicions about.  He just didn't seem right and I thought maybe he was in
depression.  Took him to the vet and had a blood test done (he was about
three at the time) which came back at 71.  My vet has a regular diabetic
blood sugar test thing she got from the drug store and I questioned her
about the readings being below 90 which I had read they should be above 90.
She said she goes by anything above 60 she feels comfortable with on her
machine, below she has concerns.  I have complete confidence in my vet :-)
She has done wonders with all my babies so I trust her with their
Anyway, around 4 months later Phantom started losing weight, close to 3/4
lb.  and becoming very lethargic.  Back to the vet (by the way, that's a 85
mile trip one way, but hey... only the best in my book!).  His blood sugar
was in the 50's, so it's time to keep an active eye as we feel it's
insulinoma.  I opted for no surgery, as that's my choice.  There is no
cure and it only returns (the cancer that is) Started feeding him baby food
and mocha mix.  Got his weight back to where it should be.  But I started
really reading the Ferret newsgroup, found the life saving FAMIL list, and
tried different treatments.  I did not want him on steroids (prednasone)
yet, as it effects the other organs and etc.  So I just fed him the baby
food, found out about science diet a/d and now mix one can to three cans
of babyfood (turkey or chicken), cooled it with mocha mix as it has no
lactose, and fed him about 1-1/2 tbs twice a day.  I now only mix with
water as he gained too much weight.
This first started over two years ago.  He was going in for blood tests
every month to monitor his blood sugar.  This past Jan.  his blood sugar
was down to 31, )two separate visits) and the vet was VERY concerned!
Wouldn't let me leave her office without giving him some food.  Afraid he'd
"crash" on the return trip home.  Couldn't understand why he has never had
Well, back to the 'net and I discovered the New Rainbow Bridge site.  Here
there is a treatment with herbs.  I finally called and talked to Steve, who
by the way is so helpful and concerned.  He explained what/how/who/and when
they tried these herbs, what has worked and etc.  So I ordered the herbs
from his company and though it took a while, it is now having an effect.
For how long I don't know, but Phantom is doing better.  Let me explain.
I talked to my vet about adding the herbs.  She says she's willing to try
anything.  So we went for it.  The first month after putting him on them
(still on prednasone), his blood sugar went from 47 to 61, so we cut back
his prednasone to .5 but the next month it went back tp 48 or so, so we
again increased the pred.  to .75 again.  Then the next month it was up to
59.  So we are keeping him on the 7 drops twice a day (he's a big ferret)
plus .75 pred along with his babyfood/a/d mix.  Now here's the clincher.
The last time I took him in, his blood sugar was 82.  The vet couldn't
believe it and did it again and it was 76.  So we're very hopeful that
maybe it is now working.
While talking to Steve he said they have had some ferrets that these herbs
have actually repaired the damage in the pancreas, but maybe the reason
Phantom was taking so long was that it was discovered 1-1/2 yrs before and
there was a lot of damage.  But I am hopeful that this is going to continue
to help him.  He is over 5 (as best as I know) and has really improved.  He
plays in grocery bags, picks on the girls to let them know who is boss, and
comes out to be fed (sits and waits for me to fix his meals).  Does sleep a
lot and doesn't want to wrestle with the young squirts much, but two years
ago I thought I was also going to lose him, and he's still here.
I had blood tests done on four of my other babies last month, and I now
have another one reading at 58 and 59, so we have started her on these
herbs.  Hey, it's worth a try and maybe we can head it off!
But don't give up on Skeeter.  Get food into her, you may have to spoon
feed her for a while, add whipped cream or mocha mix to the food to
increase her weight and keep sweets away from her, specially raisins and
nutrical.  They have lots of sugar.  Plain ole' Cherrios is okay.  Or when
she gets better, take 1 raison once in a while and divide it in fourths.
I pacifiy Phantom this way.  And visit The New Rainbow Bridge at
www.newrainbowbridge.com.  I highly recommend it.  Steve and Diane will
help you immensely.
Give Skeeter a hug from my "zoo"
mjo and the zoo (Phantom, Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo, Frodo,
Frito, Pepper, Caesar and the dogs Garth and Darwin.)  (r.i.p. Nipper,
Lightning, EZ, and Cleo)
[Posted in FML issue 2802]