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Thu, 9 Sep 1999 14:41:35 EDT
Mickey Rene <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello everybody.  I saw a question on yesterday's list about ferrets and
kittens.  The only advice I have to give is GO FOR IT!!
I was very iffy about getting a kitten, since I already have 2 female
ferrets (both about a year old).  Well, I got a month old male cat, and
he absolutely LOVES those 2 critters-and they LOVE him too!  The three
constantly play together, rolling around on the kitchen floor and jumping
around everywhere.  The funniest thing to watch is the kitten going after
the ferrets while they play underneath the comforter.
I do want to mention that you must keep an eye on them.  My kitten is 5
months old now, and still plays constantly with the fuzzies, but they do
sometimes get too rough with each other.  (example: My youngest ferret
accidentally scratched the kitten in the eye, and it took a few days for
his eye to feel better.  Also, sometimes the kitten goes after the young
ferret so much that the ferret will squeal to get my attention- I'll
"rescue" my ferret, only so she can jump back onto the kitten and start
all over again)!!
Best of luck to all!
~~Mickey and the Gang
[Posted in FML issue 2800]