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Sat, 4 Sep 1999 02:59:37 -0500
SC Ellis-Blackwell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Been meaning to post that I've been seeing those magnetic cabinet locks
showing up at more stores under the name Tot-Locks.  These are cabinet
locks that you attach inside the door and open with a swipe of a magnetic
"key".  The locks aren't visible and keep the door completely closed (no
gaps when pulled on like some other childproofing locks).  We've been
completely happy with them.  Rev-A-Lock is another name (same company).  I
believe they have a web site if you care to search.  We originally found
them only at a real lumberyard and hardware supply, but recently noticed
them at Home Depot, Babies R' Us, and most cheaply at Wal-Mart in the
childproofing sections.  Definitely more expensive than your typical locks,
but well worth it to keep the fuzzbutts out of the kitchen and bathroom
cabinets.  Easily removed and taken with you when you move as the holes
don't show.  Buy two "keys" just in case and put them up high away from
the ferrets as they make great nosing-around-the-floor toys.
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[Posted in FML issue 2795]