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Wed, 1 Sep 1999 17:35:18 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Eric is a quiet non-imposing type that listens to everything and makes few
comments.  What he does say is usually well thought out and directly to the
point.  He is somewhat shy, which is why you don't see much of him in the
magazine.  His devotion to Mary is obvious in the number of times you see
*her* in Modern Ferret.  Eric has a wicked (and like mine, demented!) sense
of humor; he even wore giant Mickey Mouse gloves to his wedding.  Eric is
somewhat of a passionate work-a-holic, which doesn't help him exist with a
very serious and disabling intestinal disease.  He often find's himself
between a rock and a hard spot when he has to decide to take medication
which causes bad side-effects and long term problems, or get his magazine
out on time.  After an uproar with late issues sometime back, he has
elected to harm himself rather than be late.  He is admittedly not
primarily a salesman; I know of FML members and shelter operators who have
run ads and HAVE NOT paid him.  He could easily go to collection agencies
to get some of his money, but refuses to do so because it might hurt
shelter ferrets.  These same individuals and shelter operators *DO* run
ads in "Ferrets", which *would* use collection agencies to get their money.
(I have promised Eric not to name names, so those people who owe them debts
should thank Eric personally).  If you ever get a chance to meet him
privately, you will find he is devoted to his ferrets in every manner.  I
found his devotion to exceed my own in some respects.
Mary is a cute little sprite of a person who is as bubbly and extroverted
as Eric is quiet and shy.  I have no idea what the original color of her
hair was and I admit I look forward to each Modern Ferret issue to see what
color it has become.  She has two switches; on and off, and I have never
seen the switch in the off position.  Mary has experienced a difficult
past, one that I can relate too, and has shown spunk and determination to
overcome issues which has harmed her for a long time.  I personally find
her strength and determination to overcome those issues inspiring.  Mary
has a strong personal faith in Christian beliefs and because of them rarely
defends herself publically.  Mary also has a demented sense of humor; she
admits she like Monte Python and Weird Al.  Her devotion to ferrets is
passionate and consuming.
As a couple, they tend to compliment each other.  Mary is poetic where Eric
is graphically inventive.  They are both artistic, creative types.  They
are also very sensitive, and are honestly hurt by personal attacks (they
handle impersonal criticism well enough, but personal attacks hit them
below the belt).  Both of them tend to retreat when hurt, so the personal
attacks from the rabbit and playmate issues have driven them into isolation
somewhat, which might be one reason why they misjudged the response from
the Halloween issue so badly.
I can tell you this; they honestly did not expect the response to the
Halloween issue that they recieved.  They thought the warning on the front,
as well as the banner on the photo whould have made it clear that the
picture was a parody.  I saw it as such, but some people didn't.  Who is
right?  Perhaps Mary and Eric, already burned on clearly unimportant
issues, went too far.  Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but the important
thing is the *INTENT* behind the photo, and that intent was clearly to
promote ferrets by using a celebrity as the hook.  After lengthy discussion
with Mary and Eric, it became clear to me that they thought people would
look at the photo with the realization that the humor was very Harry
Andersonish, appropriate to the Halloween theme.  In that respect, Mary and
Eric were, indeed, wrong.  People missed the celebrity hook to promote
ferrets, they missed the macabe humor, they even missed the point.  Mary
and Eric are deeply hurt and confused about the responses, expecially those
which have attacked them, rather than the photo.
Modern Ferret is quite literally hanging on by a thread.  Perhaps Mary and
Eric can get issue 25 out, but, as it stands at the moment, issue 24 might
actually be their last.  While part of the problem is economic (a very
serious part), there is also the emotional problem of two people facing
down almost daily attacks from a few fanatic people.  They are worn out.
Eric said to me, "I can't win.  If I photographed a ferret against a blue
background, these people would call me sexist and demand it be pulled."
Mary and Eric opened their mailbox to me; you would be surprised by some of
the nasty, hateful letters they recieve.  And you would be surprised at WHO
sent them.  It shocked me.
Most people have a hard time accepting criticism of core beliefs.  Why do
you assume Mary and Eric would be any different than you?  Some people on
this list manufacture ferret-related products.  How would they feel about
criticism, that, month after month, saps self confidence and self esteem?
So, if a thread from your sleep-sac snagged on a ferret's nail, should I
write in and demand people recall them?  Or if I thought the artistic
quality of a ferret statue failed to come up to my standards, I should
demand they be recast?  Modern Ferret is not a corporation.  They are a Mom
and Pop business, trying to fight a Walmart-like competitor.  Will they
make mistakes?  Absolutely.  Will they please everyone?  Never.  But those
are not the issues.  The real issue is, do they have a right to publish,
even though they may make mistakes from time to time?
Write Mary and Eric.  If there is something you dislike, let them
personally know; don't spread rumor or hatred throught the internet.  Get
to know them and you will like them.  They are good people.
Bob C and 18 MO' Fert-A-Holics
[Posted in FML issue 2792]