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Sun, 29 Aug 1999 11:47:01 -0500
Lara Tyminski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Just an update.....some of you know that a while ago all 7 of the ferrets
in my household came down with the sneezes; just when the 3 rescues were
ready to be adopted out.  Thankyou to everyone who sent me advice on how
to treat them.  They have all recovered and are back to their old selves,
the little devils.
Even better, my little Chaos, is fine.  I had found a lump in her neck that
I was afraid was Lymphoma - My Fredo's first tumor was in the same spot -
but now it is gone.  I guess it was a reaction to the cold or whatever they
all had.  I am very pleasantly surprised since I'm the type who expects the
worst, and hopes for the better.
Thanks again to everyone who responded, and sorry it took so long to thank
you, it's been really busy here.
On that note, I do have 3 beautiful rescues who are available for adoption
They are all about 1 yr. old, fixed and vaccinated and doing great.  I
have a Silver sable mitt female, an albino female and a dark sable male
all ready to go to loving homes, they really deserve it.
Ferret Dancer Rescue
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[Posted in FML issue 2788]