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Sat, 28 Aug 1999 03:33:56 -0600
text/plain (23 lines)
CJ> I'll call ya in a day or 2 and make plans to meet you and get the
>kids >>>Smiles<<<
Hello again,
I think my Adidas deleted part of my post to the ferret-list.  I wanted to
tell all of you Thank You for All the lovely cards and e-mails.  And to CJ
for helping me help a few fuzzy slinkys that need a new home.  We are so
excited!  My dear sweet hubby made new gates for my new kids.  They are
identical to the Weazel Watchers except that the kids can't see through
them.  He'd been saving this huge piece of plastic and cut it 4" wider than
my doors and 32" high (thanks Suki) and they work great.  I gotta find some
more of this plastic.  It's high im- pact and is a lot cheaper than the
others.  I didn't have 60+ dollars for the gates and the money saved will
help with Meeko's surgery.  Oh and Thanks for all the info from all!!  Well
gotta get Adidas out of the icebox......he's stealing my kibbles......
Hey Skeeter, Thanks for watching and helping my boys.  Kiss them for
me............I do so miss them, "they are never really gone if they are in
your heart" Thanks Again Suki.
Gracie, Adidas and the Menagerie
[Posted in FML issue 2787]