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Fri, 27 Aug 1999 16:03:44 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)
Just a short note to tell everyone my research trip is going well, but
much slower than anticipated.  I am already two days behind and working
desperately to catch up.  As a consequence, I will not be able to visit
a few people and for that I apologize.  Sorry.
I have been watching the Modern Ferret Halloween photo debate with interest
and I am forced to say that I am quite ashamed to be associated with some
of you.  It is one thing to express an opinion about a like or dislike, but
it is another thing entirely to purposely go out and attempt to distroy
someone's livelihood.  The decision to pull Modern Ferret off the PetCo
shelves has angered me to a degree that few things have angered me before.
To know the decison was precipitated by a few vocal humorless people,
including fellow FML people, has angered me even more.  People have said
they are afraid the pictures in Modern Ferret could hurt the ferret
movement, but thier actions have far worse implications.
I *KNOW* Mary and Eric, and I can tell you that if you think they are
making a living off publishing Modern Ferret, you are dumber than a mule
in tights.  If both of them started working for McDonalds, their combined
income would probably exceed what they pay themselves.  PetCo's action will
cost them thousands of dollars, and could force them into default on their
bills.  If you don't understand what this means, I'll tell you.  There is
a very real possibiity that this could mean Modern Ferret has to cease
publication.  No more Modern Ferret.
This is exactly what Fancy Publications has wanted.  They use, and I have
researched this on my own, discussing the problem with non-Modern Ferret
people who have seen the unfair business practices of this organization.
I find it quite interesting that the initial complaints have been from
anonymous sources (and I am not strictly speaking of FML posts, but AOL
and other sources as well).  Fancy publications have driven almost every
competitor off the market, from Pet Dealer, to dog and cat publications, to
the recently lost reptile and amphibian magazine.  They have made an effort
to creat a pet-magazine monopoly.
The loss of revenue because of a few loud mouth humor-challenged people
forcing PetCo to remove Modern Ferret from their shelves is possibly enough
to force Mary and Eric out of publishing.  They, after all, have to be able
to eat.  This debate, no matter HOW disgised in self-grandizing retoric,
is essentially one of degree of taste.  Nothing more.  To say you dislike
something is a right, but forcing someone out of business because you wish
to impose your standards on others is no different that what the CaCaLand
Gestapo and Mental Defect Society has been doing.  It is neonazi censorship
at the very basic level: "I don't like your work so I will make sure no one
can see it."  It is immoral, unethical and repugnant.
I am reconsidering my long-standing decision to assist strangers at great
cost of personal time, money and effort.  I will most probably quit the FML
because of this disgusting and repugnant act by a few people.  They are
likely going to be responsible for the demise of a fine publication SIMPLY
BECAUSE OF TASTE!  I am outraged.  We have all lost a valuable and helpful
I beg those of you who share my outrage to do what I will be doing: I will
buy extra copies of the issue, use a felt-tip marker to write on the front
"I WILL NO LONGER BUY FROM YOUR STORE" and mail the issues to PetCo.  I
also will no longer be willing to help ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, who
actively supports Fancy Publications OR attempts to censor my rights to
read what *I* decide is appropriate.  In other words, why the hell should
I waste my valuable time helping ferret owners, when ferret owners distroy
the people who have helped bring ferrets into the limelight.  I have no
objection to people disliking something, but the attempt to put the one
magazine out of business that is more responsible than almost any other
publication to mainstream ferrets is obscene.  I am ashamed to be
associated with small-minded moralistic neonazis who, simply because they
do not understand the humor behind an obviously faked Halloween photo,
attempt to drive fine and decent god-fearing people out of business.  WWJD?
Help Mary and Eric.  Email your support.  Send letters of outraged anger
to PetCo.  Buy extra issues and ship them to PetCo with letters of irate
disapproval.  If we lose Modern Ferret, do you honestly believe Fancy will
continue paying you writers such large amounts of money per issue?  Do you
businesses think Fancy will continue to undercut Modern Ferret ad--or
subscription--rates?  Do you honestly think the quality of Ferrets will be
maintained?  Pick up their other magazines and read them.  That is what
you will get.  We are losing a choice because of a few hateful and hurtful
people.  That harms the ferret community terribly.  My God, people, you
have the right to not like something, but harming fellow ferret lovers is
an act of hate.  That is despicable and shameful.  You are what you do.
Look in the mirror and be proud.
Bob C and 18 Mo' Ashamed Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 2786]