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Print Reply
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:15:25 +1200
text/plain (66 lines)
Why do people insist on trying to put good companies out of business
because of one thing they don't like?  A business works hard to get the
best product out they can, they do their best to help, not hurt... they do
one thing which someone disagrees to... and all of a sudden, they're public
enemy #1.
In this particular case, I'm referring to, of course, Modern Ferret.
Modern Ferret has scratched their way through an uncharted sea in an area
they had little experience in, because they saw a need and decided to fill
it.  They weren't looking for a profit, any more than I believe that I can
make a profit on breeding my ferrets.  Sure, you get money in, but it sure
doesn't pay all the bills spent in making the product (whether ferret or
ferret magazine) as good and 'healthy' as it ends up being.
I've had experience with ferrets and with putting out a publication.
Working until 3am and getting up at 7am to start again is not only not
unusual, it's downright common.  Not only do Eric and Mary put out these
hours in actually publishing this, which is hard in itself, but Eric does a
lot of the magazines photos, and Mary contributes a lot of wonderful
People have complained about how Eric does all the photos and Mary does all
the articles in the past.  In my opinion, having an obviously talented
photographer and a more than obviously talented writer who *both* know what
they're doing is wonderful.  So what if they run the magazine?  All the
better, because it means talented people run the mag, and they're also
people who love what they're doing!
I've noticed a trend for people to go for the jugular where possible.
People who are offended at something Ferrets magazine does stop buying the
magazine.  People who are offended at something Modern Ferret does tell the
stores to stop supplying the magazine!  People seem to sense a weakness,
and Modern Ferrets weakness is that it isn't supported by a large
corporation, they're run by two people.  Alone.  They pay the print bills
alone, they do the setup alone.  They take the calls alone, they take the
photos, make the articles, approve others articles.... alone.  Ferrets
magazine can hire someone else if they want something new.  Modern Ferret
just takes on more work because their readers have stated they'd like
something new, and they've done it.
I'm not only talking about this Halloween issue.  I'm talking about the
Tiffany issue, the issues in the past where people have moaned that Eric
and Mary have stuff about themselves in it, and all the other issues
mentioned before.
If you have an issue with Modern Ferret, take it to Modern Ferret.  If that
issue has something to do with a misprint (like on Ferrets magazine which
gave an incorrect dosage of meds in one issue and never retracted it) then
it should be made public knowledge.  If it's something that you, personally
are offended with, like the centrefold... take the magazine back, cancel
your subscription, but you don't have to tell everyone that the magazine is
evil because of a difference of opinion on what is or is not funny.
Personally, I think the easiest thing to do is buy the cover 'without gore'
and glue the centrefold page.  Then you can't see the centrefold picture
and still have the information which Modern Ferret is so good at providing.
Personally, I feel that cancelling a subscription to Modern Ferret would
mean no longer getting the little tidbits of information that I so readily
enjoy reading, and missing out on seeing fellow ferret lovers photos of
their furbrats and... well, I'm not sure I could do that for one picture
which people were warned about some time ago.
[Posted in FML issue 2784]