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Sat, 21 Aug 1999 17:59:38 -0400
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This is a copy of what i wrote on 7-7-99 for those that don't remember
or were too busy playing with there Ferrets ];o]
>Hi Guys!
>I have good news and some bad news.  The good news is that I may have
>isolated a nutritional compound that when applied to a ferret that has
>adrenal disease, reverses the disease in its entirety.  The nutritional
>compound is composed of natural products that are totally innocuous.  I
>believes that a product made to treat this disease in ferrets, can be of
>great benefit to millions of ferret owners [such as myself] and highly
>The bad news is that if i were to give it away, some unscrupulous person
>will take it and make money but not return it to the ferret communities
>(such as shelters and so forth)
>So now i'm trying to get the compound patented, and have a double blind
>study started.  Marshall Farms has found my hypothesis and results sound
>and very interesting ,so im working with there head vet (VERY nice lady)
>on submitting the "Scientific Method" of my findings in order to secure
>funding or help from them or anyone else.  Funding is necessary to prove
>that any ferrets that I "cure" had adrenal disease, but at $250.00 per
>ferret for a sonogram and $175.00 or so for the new blood test (if those
>test CAN find the disease) I cant possibly pay for that
>So...with any luck ill be able to help the ferret world in some fashion.
>Please Pray for me  ];o]
>P.S. I am not good at writing e-mails so please don't ask me to explain
>my hypothesis in detail, i will update you guys as much as i can here at
the FML ;]
This is the update I promised you guys.  Its not much but its hard to for
me to write this thing when i never did anything like "The Scientific
Method" So this is the first page.  I hope i can finish the rest and bring
it here for all to see.  If there is a vet out there that can help me write
this PLEASE do, i'm good with nutrition but i'm a lamer when it comes to
writing ];o[
Women with Fibrocystic breast disease, Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids,
seem to have a common denominator with adrenal disease in ferrets.
1.) All have elevated levels of estrogen.
2.) All have benign cellular growth manifestation of fibrous material.
3.) All are initially treated with a estrogen blocking drug.
4.) Estrogen causes approximately 11 varieties of cancer in five species
     of animals.  This is applicable to the hormone regardless of its
Why is it that medical treatments for these ailments center around blocking
estrogen reception?  Is it because estrogen causes these manifestations?
Instead of using toxic medication to control the estrogen, which is
essentially symptomatic treatment, is it possible to convert the estrogen
in the body to a form that is less toxic to the body, and in turn, less
likely to stimulate fibrous material whether benign or malignant?
Is it possible to encourage the liver in the body to convert estrogen
into a form that is less likely to encourage certain tissues and organs
into producing fibrous/cancerous tissue(s)?
Can I demonstrably reduce most of the adverse symptomatology of hyper
estrogen activity using nutritional means?
I propose that using the proper nutritional protocol, I can effectively
correct to some degree the ineffective conversion of estrogen, by the
liver, into a more effective version of estrogen that is less likely to
cause estrogen dependent manifestations and diseases.
[Posted in FML issue 2781]