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Sun, 22 Aug 1999 06:45:41 -0400
Brian and Lisa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
Hi All,
I posted a few days ago about my Chamois having aspiration pnemonia.  This
diagnoses was incorrect.  My vet says he has pyothorax which is an
accumulation of pus in the space between the lungs and chest wall.  He
drained some fluid off for analysis and culture and should know more today.
He has never seen this or can he find documentation on this problem
occurring in ferrets at all.  He is still searching the internet.  Please,
anyone who has heard of or experienced this please help!!  To Susan and
Patti, thank you for your e-mail and will keep you posted as things occur.
It is so great to have fellow fuzzbuts to write to.  Here in rural Maine, I
know of only one other person who has a ferret in my area and that is my
sister-in-law who fell in love with my guys and got a little girl of her
own a couple years ago.  I am anxiously waiting to here from anyone,,
Lisa and her boys--Sneak and Chamois, my little sick boy :(  :(
[Posted in FML issue 2781]