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Sat, 21 Aug 1999 09:07:34 -0400
Tammy&Jeff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
i must share with you all what i discovered last night.  i never laughed so
hard...it was sooooo funny and cute.  my husband and i were playing with
jinx <our 1 year old silver,white mitted baby>, playing tag with him...him
chaseing us then running away, playing tug with his favorite fur covered
toy, letting him hop and dance all over his favorite blanket <huge full
size cotton knit blanket that we let just lay around in our living room
just for jinx to play on>.  well........we just got one of those ferret
trail bubble wavefun-nels tubes<just one for now....you could connect them
together> its been laying around, jinx will crawl through it all the
time..but last night, we found something that he likes about it alot!!!!
jinx crawled up to the tube....layed in it and just looked at us...so we
rolled the tube a little with him in it....it was sooooo funny, he loved
it.  he kept comeing back to the tube for more...then...the funny thing
happened.  i had never seen this or heard of this before about ferrets.  as
jinx was waiting in anticipation to be rolled,...his tail went straight out
from his body and started to wag...really fast!!!!!!!!  it even wagged as
we rolled him again and again.  it was sooo cute and looked so funny to see
jinx actually wag his tail...and it went soooooo fast...heehee.  i guess he
really enjoyed playing with us.  it was a hoot!!!!  take care everyone and
your little babies!!!!!  god bless...tammy , jeff and jinx
you can contact me on icq.  here is my icq number: 45893572
[Posted in FML issue 2780]