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Sat, 31 Jul 1999 22:56:37 -0000
Lisa Marszalek <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
[Moderator's note: Forwarded to the FML for [log in to unmask] by
request.  BIG]
My fiancee and I were just at a pet store near us (Brookline, PA) and there
was an adult female ferret with a wonderful temperament there.  She was so
incredibly sweet!  She is a MF ferret (tattoos in the ear) and she is in a
really gross wire cage that is absolutely filthy.  I think they said they
were asking $150 for her and the cage but I am almost positive that if
anyone called and said they would give $45 or $50 for her without the cage
that they would do it.  She doesn't look too old but she is defiantly not a
kit.  She is a little on the thin side but she is one of the sweetest
things I have ever seen.  (Of course I am trying to talk Scott into going
back to get her but if he agrees, it will take me at least a week to work
on him...he really felt bad for the little girl and he has said over and
over what a sweet girl she was so I dont know if I am able to talk him into
it or not...probably not is my guess being that we just got another ferret
6 weeks ago.) I really would like to see this little girl out of this store
so if you could pass the word along to everyone you know in the area it
would be a big help!  The name of the store is Animal Tracks (used to be
The Neon Macaw) and it is in Brookline, PA.  The address is 815 Brookline
Blvd.  and the phone number is (412)-341-1210.  Thanks so much.
Lisa Marszalek
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[Posted in FML issue 2759]