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Sat, 11 Dec 1999 08:10:39 +0800
Tara Kostezky <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Unfortunately, despite the ominous threat of premature death, I laughed
until I cried reading this post. Bet the hamsters weren't as surprised as
you were :))
Now, flaming . . . (gonna get my butt cooked for this one, I bet :) I'm with
"Louis" (June) who posted on "Sunshine" being attacked (didn't read the
original posts but know where she's coming from).
I've met some wonderful people in the on-line ferret community but there's
just one thing that bothers me. And that is (some) people's belief that they
have a right to say how people should keep their animals. Please keep in
mind folks that these are our *opinions* and not Gospel Truth. It annoys and
disturbs me to see someone shot down for holding an opinion that differs
from the currently held opinions of more strident members of the community.
We have every right to express our opinion but we have no right to attack
someone else for holding a different one. It's impolite, it makes you look
like an interfering, judgemental drongo, it puts off the "shyer" members of
the community (who don't dare speak in case they get spanked for it), and
it's morally wrong. Humans are no less deserving of good treatment than
fuzzies. Please please please, if you feel you've got to question something
that someone says, add the disclaimer "this is just my opinion, btw :)"
Something that I *always* do because I know how hurtful casual words can be
winging out in cyberspace with no other social context. You can't see the
look of dismay and hurt on that other person's face, but you can bet that it
will be there...
For instance, poor people owning ferrets. What the heck is wrong with it?
IMO, if an animal is given a home, fed well, taken to the vet when it needs
to be (even though the more expensive ELECTIVE surgery may not be an option
for that person) and simply loved to bits and pieces and pampered as much as
possible within the person's income isn't this better than the animal living
off garbage scraps for the week or two that it will survive before it dies
of starvation? Sure we all want to pamper our pets, but lets not take this
thing too far. Those who *can* afford it, well done, not a problem. But
don't make someone else's suffering worse by saying "oh, you should have got
that $2000 surgery done you BAD person!" when they already know that and are
suffering enough. Although I'm not a Marxist some of these posts smack
rather too much of class-ism (for want of a better word) for my liking.
For instance, the pensioner living in a unit with only their beloved pet for
company...the single mum who gets the only joy in her life by caring for her
fuzzies...the struggling family whose breadwinner has been laid off...the
ferrets owner who feeds his fuzzy cheaper cat food instead of the more
expensive brand, but whose fuzzies are perfectly healthy (yep, I know of
this guy). These *might* be the people you are hurting facelessly over the
net. Do these people love their pets any less than you? I think not, though
they might be scared to post here :(
Read James Herriot if you want to know what it was like before the war, when
*everyone* was poor. He has some of the most touching stories of animals who
were loved by poor people. Read him and it might change your mind.
This is just my opinion, btw :)
PS Much love and good wishes to all the people who've lost their pets
recently, we seem to have had a spate of them recently. My thoughts are with
[Posted in FML issue 2894]