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Tue, 16 Nov 1999 18:04:23 +0800
Amy Flemming <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: disease transmission at shows
>I think it is logical to not have ferrets who pose an unknown transmission
>risk at shows when they have known to possibly have been exposed to a
>serious illness with an infectious aspect within a given time-frame.  I
>also find it very commendable that the shelter people were up-front enough
>that they truthfully let everyone know about the exposures.  ....
>I don't think that what is known about Aleutian right now warrants a
>full-scale panic but it means people should try to be informed and be
>logical.  There's no reason to be angry at people on either side who are
>placing the ferrets first -- it's the jerks who don't care enough to be
>honest about exposures, or to set rules to protect others who are the
I agree 100%.
>I'm betting that after testing in 6 months or so without active cases
>present they will be verified as clean and all will be back to normal --
>like getting back to normal after 3/4 to a year after ECE.
The only problem with that is so little is known about the contagious state
of ADV.  Lets also remember that it is not just US ferrets, it is not just
New Zealand ferrets, it is not just English ferrets.  Lets work together
as a group on this issue and refrain from finger pointing.  It did start
someplace and those folks that started the "plague" may not have even known
they did it.  Finger pointing and accusing gets us noplace.
[Posted in FML issue 2868]