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Wed, 10 Nov 1999 11:42:15 -0500
Larry and Tequita Williamson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
Well, it happened.  I got to try out my evacuation plan and you know
what?  IT STINKS!  It took FOREVER to get my daughter, three cats and
eight ferrets out of the house by myself!  As it turned out, my house was
not on fire and the fumes were not toxic but what if this had been a real
fire/toxic fumes?
I had to call my neighbor to make sure she was home and that I was on my
way with my daughter, all the while putting on her panties, pants and
grabbing her shoes.  My neighbor met me half way, I handed off Rachel and
ran back to the house.  A cat was the first critter I came to.  I grabbed
him, ran out the door and put him in my car.  Ran back in, grabbed another
cat, back out.  Ran in, had to pretend to feed so that I could get the
other cat.  Ran in grabbed a carrier and stuffed three ferrets in and out
to the car I went.  Ran back in (fire department arrives and I open the
door for them), stuff two ferrets in one carrier and three in another and
out I go.  At this point I'm VERY out of breath.
It took A LOT longer than I ever anticipated!!!!!!!  I didn't get their
medical/vac records, food, etc.  My cats weigh 18, 17, and 9 pounds.  That
is why I only carried one at a time.  That and the claw factor.  ~LOL~
A tree branch fell onto our power line that connects to our house and broke
the "neutral".  What that means is 220 volts slammed into our house.  The
house shook, the cats scattered and I wondered if we were having an
earthquake or a car had bumped into our house!  About two minutes later,
things got really exciting.  The TV went out as well as the cordless phone.
The lights and appliances were humming and popping.  Then there was an
AWFUL smell!  Sort of like a burning chemical.  The cats were agitated,
things are humming, crackling and popping and stinking.  No smoke.  I call
Duke power on the "hard line" phone.  Get this lovely automated message...
wait for the extension that I think this falls under, hold......get a
human, explain what is happening....get put on hold...lovely music.  In the
meantime, the smell is getting worse, the humming and popping is getting
worse and my daughter is complaining about the smell.  The lady from Duke
power finally comes back on and I tell her how things have escalated.  She
said to evacuate and call 911.  I page my husband, call my neighbor, and
well, you know the rest of the story.
We lost our tv, two vcr's, a clock radio, the heating and cooling system
(my husband is having his own meltdown now) and the surge protector on our
NEW computer saved our 'puter!!!  Yea!!  The surge protector was fried and
that was part of the awful smell.
Anyway, my plan was NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!  I had never "practiced" the plan.
Have you practiced yours?  Do you even HAVE a plan?  It can happen to you!
No wind yesterday, no nothing.  Just a fluke.  Our house is over sixty
years old.  The firemen said we were fotunate that our house had not burned
down.  Are you prepared?
My ferrets were contained in their cages in one room and it still took six
or seven minutes to get out.  That is not acceptable.  It would have been
longer had they been free in their 16' x 29' room.  They are squeak toy
trained, but.....
I am thankful that all is well.  I was by myself, no help.  It could have
been bad.  Very bad.  Plan TODAY.
Tequita Williamson
[Posted in FML issue 2862]