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Sun, 31 Oct 1999 01:50:02 EST
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I have a friend who's looking for a long-term ferret sitter/boarding
arrangement in the Burton/College Station, TX area.  She has a job that
requires her to travel a great deal, and needs someone who can care for
"her boys" when she's out of town.  She may be gone for up to 5 - 6 weeks
at a time.  Right now, she's driving all the way to El Paso to leave them
with me whenever she's out on a contract....
She doesn't want to adopt the ferrets out, since she had them before she
had the job, and these ferrets mean a great deal to her.  But she does want
to make sure that they're properly provided for and loved when she has to
travel, and she's willing to pay for their care.
She has three sable males - Harley, Trouble and J.J.  They get along with
most other ferrets, although Trouble will sometimes pick on any ferret that
won't stand up to him.  (He earned his name...) He's fine with any ferret
who's assertive enough to not let him get away with anything.  Harley is
fairly mellow, and J.J.  is good at opening things that shouldn't be, and
climbing things that can't be. <g>  In other words, a typical ferret.
All are current on vaccinations, and are so far ECE free.  Theresa doesn't
mind a long-term boarding contract, and pays for any vet care the ferrets
need while with the sitter.  The ferrets have their own cage.  She's
interviewed a couple of people, but hasn't found anyone who could commit to
the length of time (as well as the crazy schedule) that she needs.  She's
even checked with vets, but doesn't want to board there since the ferrets
wouldn't get the time out to play that they need.
If you think you could help, or know someone who could, please email me
with your phone number and address.  I'll pass the information on to
Thanks much!
Carla Smith  <><
WhyNot? Ferrets
ICQ:  29478475
member, Rio Grande Domestic Ferret Club, El Paso, TX
"Every pet deserves to be loved, and to have someone cry over them when
they're gone."
[Posted in FML issue 2851]