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Tue, 5 Oct 1999 02:14:00 -0500
Bob Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Had a blow out on damper one this weekend (Remember the 6-million dollar
man?)  The hot water connector to my washing machine decided a microscopic,
hereforeto undetected microcrack in a PVC pipe should be promoted to
general.  As in General Mess. I arrived home and found 2 inches of water
in the kitchen and about as much in my dungeon (AKA: library).  I ended up
pulling 10 bookshelves and 16 file cabinets into the garage for drying (no
paper damage that I can detect).  It took three hours to suck the water off
the floor.  I then spent Sunday replacing the pipe, drywall and repainting
(Stupid plastic replaced with soldered copper!!  Am I good or what?  I may
have never used that propane torch for 5 years, but when I needed it, *I*
was ready!  A man is defined by his tools and I had the torch, so I *MUST*
be hot!).  Then off to rent two of those huge fire department-type heated
floor fans/blowers.  The floor is still too damp to bring in the furniture,
but at least I got the computer back up and running.  Oh, well, I needed to
dust anyway.  And I finally got those damn cables behind my computer
organized.  So I guess I can legally say my weekend both sucked and blew.
The ferrets loved it, though.  All were splashing around like they found
their way to the Missouri.  Mickey Moose was hopping and Tui was rolling
around and I swear Daye was trolling for minnows.  Several would run into
the kitchen, slip on the wet floor, and slide around like otters.  Then up
to do it again.  They all stared at me with hate as I locked them up in
the *CAGE* until I could move stuff and clean up.  They are rarely in the
*CAGE* for more than a hours or so a week, so most of two days was almost
more than they could take.  The hate-stares were getting to me, so I let
them out to help with the drywall repair.  Of course, their help was
wanting, so I just did it myself.  They thought taping the drywall was
fun; I've found several places where fur is stuck under the tape, which is
really cute now that I've painted.  It is amazing no one got a cut nose
considering how many had to run over and sniff when I was cutting tape (or
anything else...)
I did try to paint with the fuzzies out.  It took exactly 5 seconds to
determine that was a really bad idea.  While the texture is somewhat
interesting, the paint streaks on the ferrets is, well, umm, not so
interesting.  So into the bath went Mickey Moose, Tui, Silly, and Sam Luc,
which they, of course, hated, even though just the day before they were
slip slindin' away in the flood.  So back they went into the *CAGE* so I
could experience more evil nasty stares.  <shiver>
Anyway, the point behind this sad little tail is that I never got a chance
to set up the Fellow Ferret Geeks network this weekend like I said I would.
Sorry.  I will do it the next day or so.
Bob C and 18 Mo' Ferts Slip Slidin' Away
[Posted in FML issue 2825]