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Mon, 5 Jul 1999 11:00:55 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
It has quietly been brought to my attention by a third party (THANK YOU!)
that someone (whom I will not name since I have considered the person a
friend and am very puzzled by this action) is trying to convince people to
not write to Dr. Zack Mills at Merial to encourage him to try to get the
work done to bring out their new canine distemper vaccine.  The reason is
that another manufacturer has a vaccine which this individual would like
to see tested and marketed.  Personally, given that the only approved and
marketed vaccine (Fervac D) now known for sure to actually be able to
prevent canine distemper in ferrets is also one with a high reaction rate I
can see it making sense to try to get both of the two types worked on.  Who
knows?  One may not pan out in the long run, so do we want all of our eggs
in one basket?  Then again both might which would give owners actual
options.  To try to discourage the needed work on EITHER right now seems
short-sighted to me.
The other is a form of Galaxy from Sherling-Plough (sp?) but I have no name
or address for folks in relation to that one.  Perhaps someone else here
does and then the person discouraging could just be mum while another gives
the info so you won't have to suspect anyone -- a good thing.
What I DO know is that two of the U.S.'s most respected pathologists: Bruce
Williams (possibly the world's best ferret pathologist), and Richard J.
Montali, DVM, Chairman, Canine Distemper Vaccine Committee, AAZ and head of
Pathology at the National Zoo BOTH advise STRONGLY that the Merial vaccine
be pursued.  They are folks who know what they are talking about.  Okay,
that is major understatement.
I gather that another point of confusion for the individual who is trying
to discourage letter-writers is that the person is unaware that some of the
"big cats" are susceptible to canine distemper so the person has been
saying that perhaps this is actually a feline distemper vaccine.  You will
note from earlier quotes and one of Dr. Montali's titles mentioned above
that both Dr. Montali and Dr. Williams make it obvious that this is a
CANINE distemper vaccine.
Another point is that there have been failed attempts for quite some time
to get S-P to do the testing needed for their vaccine, but Merial developed
their new one with ferrets in mind!  This means that they will NOT be
off-label, and that Merial already is inclined toward helping our pets.
It might be that S-P is just not adventurous about trying a new market; if
that is the case then seeing that someone else is willing might be just
the shove they need.  If so, then discouraging the letters to Merial might
scuttle not one, but two possible vaccine options from receiving the
testing/marketing needed.
Like I said, it might also be that either won't pan out in further medical
or market testing (though having already medically tested some on ferrets
it's obvious that Merial has an interest in our guys' needs), but Merial's
has at least gotten through a number of tests already and has some major
vets very interested.  It also has apparent benefits for saving Zoological
Park animals and for helping conservation efforts, including those for the
Black Footed Ferret.  As the result of these considerations I do NOT see
any way in which writing to Merial's Dr. Zack Mills (Director of Marketing,
Merial Ltd., 115 Transtech Drive, Athens, GA 30601) to encourage marketing
of their new canine distemper vaccine for ferrets could cause problems, but
I do see that it could be clear benefit for ferrets and that such actions
might save a number of ferret lives.  Go ahead and write your letter, and
let your vet know about this option so your vet can also write and learn
more.  The ferret you save may be your own.
[Posted in FML issue 2732]