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Sun, 21 Nov 1999 16:22:25 EST
Judy Gronwold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (89 lines)
Mia Emery writes:
>Due to the overwhelming negative response I received to my post that due
>to my unexpected pregnancy we were wishing to place our retired breeders
>ASAP, including numerous flames (How dare I get pregnant) and 3 suggestions
>that I get an abortion so that I may better devote my time to the
I have to say that this is the first post to the FML I've written in anger.
I promised myself I would never respond feeling this way, but I'll make
this one exception.  I can't remember the number of times I've read of
people being "flamed" for trying to place ferrets in new homes for one
reason or another.  The reasons don't seem to matter.  Apparently, if you
try to find good, loving homes for your babies, you aren't fit to live.
In my city, during the terrible heat we had this summer, a friend's
daughter was walking down the alley behind her house.  The saw a ferret
cage which had been put out for the garbage.  Next to it was a plastic
garbage bag.  She noticed the bag was moving and ran to get her dad.
Inside the tied bag, they found two ferrets, which (luckily) were still
alive and that they were willing to take home and care for.
Near our local shelter, 7 ferrets were dumped out of a vehicle out onto the
street.  5 were found, despite one volunteer searching all night to try to
find the other two.
I'm wondering if maybe the owners of these ferrets read the FML.  They may
have wanted to place their ferrets into good homes, but were afraid to
post...afraid of being flamed, criticized, put down, whatever.  So, not
wanting the hassle, they just "dumped" them.  So much easier, isn't it?
No one angry at you...you don't have to put up with hate mail.  Maybe more
people should try this solution...sure saves on the heartbreak you get from
total strangers, who don't have a clue what your life is like or what you
may be going through, telling you off.
I also know of a woman in Illinois who *rescues* ferrets.  This *wonderful*
woman is the first to call if a ferret is to be given up within driving
distance...or if there is any other way she can get her hands on them.  Of
course, an uncommonly large number of ferrets simply die in the their sleep
sacks at her place.  I've been told by someone who has been to her place
that there is algae in the ferrets' water bottles, the cages are filthy,
and the ferrets a pitiful sight.  BUT...I've read over and over what an
*angel* this woman is...always ready to take in one more...or two...or
three...or four.  SHE wouldn't dream of asking anyone to take any of
hers...mores the pity.  And don't bother writing to me to ask if she can
be taken to task...can't be done.  She isn't breaking any laws and the
conditions aren't *bad* enough.  She also (more or less) advertises herself
as a shelter/rescue, when she meets none of the legal requirements of
Illinois to do so.  I've even seen her ad in one of the ferret magazines!
I suppose she's one of the "good" people, though.  She isn't trying to give
any of the poor things up.
I have one suggestion to any of you who flame someone who has to give up
their ferrets...GET A LIFE!  I love my ferrets...I adore my ferrets, and
can't imagine being without them.  But...I can imagine scenarios where it
could be necessary, God forbid.  You can bet I'd never let anyone on this
mailing list know if that happens.  I have some pretty special ferrets,
too, as some of you know (not that ALL ferrets aren't special, I know they
are)...maybe I should say I have some "famous" ferrets.  I know for a fact
that there are many people on this list that would damn near *die* to have
White Russian.  (Yes, I'm bragging that I have him...so what?)  I'll tell
you now, if anything ever happens to me...or my husband...that makes it
necessary for me to give any of my ferrets up to people who can give them
the time and attention they so deserve, and that I could no longer give
them, the FML will never know about it.
I have a suggestion for those of you that flame others or argue endlessly
back and forth about issues...when you get angry at a post, take an hour to
go play with your fur kids before posting an angry reply.  Your fur kids
will benefit and so will this list.  I've made a practice of doing that
since I joined the list...this is the first time I didn't take the time to
do that.  After seeing and hearing about the terrible things some people do
with ferrets they no longer want or can care for, I didn't want to take a
"time out" to cool down this time before posting about flaming people who
have to give theirs up.
One last comment...to those who suggested to Mia that she should not have
wanted a child, or should get an abortion rather than give up her ferrets...
you're very, very sick people.
Mia...I would love to have one of your retired breeders, or any of the
others.  I can give you references as to the kind of life they will have
with me....from people who have been to my house and seen the love, care,
attention and comfortable living conditions my ferrets have.  Offhand, I
can think of 2 you might know from this list...Bob C and Sam in New
[Posted in FML issue 2873]