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Tue, 19 Oct 1999 10:41:09 -0700
William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Blazes & Health; Licenses & Cat Comparison
We've seen no reason to think that other than deafness (which can cause
problems) there is any serious health issue associated with Waardenburg
gene.  But it should be a simple matter of checking up with the research
done on other species that also have this gene (such as humans)
The eyes are affected, a different layout and size but we haven't seen that
it causes any problems.
>I would have to disagree with the comparison of ferrets being easier to
>care for than cats, and I think it would be a detriment to ferret education
>if they were classified as such.
We think its a matter of what about a pet you personally find difficult.
With all pet education be it dogs cats or ferrets you should educate on
the advantages and disadvantages of the pet.  Ferrets make pretty good
apartment pets (ignoring the landlord issues) because of their size and
cagability.  Dogs are seriously hard to care for in small apartments.
Especially larger ones.  So this isn't a statement that has a simple answer
nor needs one.  If you are allergic to cats they are VERY difficult to take
care of through the watery eyes and sneezing.
Ferret owner education is not dependant upon whether ferrets are or are
not easier to care for than any other particular pet in any except that
particular one person or family's situation.
>Not trying to be politically correct, just my opinion based on my own
Not a problem.  We have different experiences which is normal.
>From:    "Capt. Nodrog" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: qualifying
We seem to have an overall friendly debate.  We might have over-reacted to
what seemed an odd phrasing but realize it was unintentional.  Sorry.
But really just wanted to acknowledge... Byte-me and Nibble-ed ...
The geek in bill loves the names...
>From:    june batz <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: question
Males go into rut a month or so before the females.  Somewhere around the
winter solstice - you got a couple months...
Aggressive behavior to ferrets (not people but some really surprized kittys
have apparently seemed 'close enough').  Urine as cologne.  Oily rings
around the eyes.  Swollen testicles.  Sliming (marking their territory with
the aforementioned urine).  Severe weight loss.  Oily coat.  Generally
getting ugly and stinky.
Its not a medical concern like with the jills.  But its not pleasant to
>From:    Linda Iroff <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: chicken gravy idea
Check with Bob... I seem to remember that there was something bad about
cooking the bones too much.
>From:    Mary Jane Frank <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Comments to show sleuth
>Then you say she wasn't harsh enough with the judges...how about next year
>we get out the whip and chair?  <G> How would that strike you, Bill? :)
[bill'a stuff] Fine with me.  Remember - I was not late in any of the
several years I've judged there.  In fact I was doing all I could to help
hurry the others along.  Well the alter judges were done fine that last
two years.  The year before the three of us judging got them ALL done.
Sounds like fun.  <g> And fits the 'circus' themed name.
>(again, the above comments are my own and do not necessarily reflect the
>views of the GCFA)
And I don't speak at all for the AFA... Not in any thing I've said on this
or any other show or even any other topic.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2840]