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Sun, 17 Oct 1999 12:10:18 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Also, use paper instead of litter till the incision's closed to reduce the
rate of infection, and monitor any visits by other ferrets because the ill
one will want some time alone and sometimes the others are more likely to
damage the stitching than the patient is.  (We like A/D as a "sick food",
too.  The single best pan we've found for post-ops is actually made by
Marshall.  It has high sides except for the entry, but what is great for
the sick ones is that the entry is SMOOTH plastic which curls over so
there is NOTHING to catch sore spots on -- nothing to irritate or catch
stitching.  Second best is the size of kitten pan except that these have
their low side as a ramp.  It's not as gentle as the first but way better
than the other options we've seen.
Meesh Meesh wrote:
>Why is the dissemination of medical information with respect to ferrets
>so difficult?
It is so much better now than it HAD been.  Bruce Williams did an
interesting article some time back in a past issue of the AFR from the AFA
which touched on the topic though that wasn't the focus.  One problem which
vets often mention to me is that vet schools ignore ferrets so vets have to
learn later on their own, sometimes without past exposure the experts in
the field so the names are all new -- and as you know, it can be very
important to know WHOSE name to search upon because the right track can
lead you into those who really know a topic best by then cross-referencing.
I think that you raise an excellent slant.  Meesh Meesh: VETS, what COULD
be done which would help disperse good information to vets, what could be
improved, what is needed?  (Please, remember that if you need to post your
answers anonymously for privacy that's possible, so, please, DO answer this
question due to it's being such a very important one.  I just have to back
M. M. by emphasizing this.) Your ideas are so strongly needed and you a
re the experts!!!
I know one thing that would help get the kind of research done which is
needed: people could give more to places like the Morris Animal Foundation
(specifying ferret fund) at 1-800-243-2345 for donations or 1-303-790-2345
for inquiries, to the AMC, to university veterinary research programs, to
specific studies, etc.  The amounts given toward the kinds of work needed
to improve ferret veterinary care really only are drops in the bucket right
now.  I think that's a multi-fold problem: ferret people are supporting
shelters because at this point those need to be private due to lack of
knowledge among the established shelters, ferret owners are often young
people with little spare cash to give, and often people would LIKE to give
to help improve veterinary care but just don't know how to do so (See
above.).  Right now the ferret fund at the MAF is building again to a point
where it will become useful and is waiting for a ferret health project
which passes peer-review to be submitted.  Not many vets study ferret
health questions because there isn't the owner-contribution base to fund
research projects unlike for llamas, horses, dogs, cats, etc.
Are there too few studies?  Too few printed articles?  Too few WHAT?  Vets,
HELP!  Meesh Meesh introduced an excellent topic.  Please, pursue it.
The best cabinet locks we've used are ones we found in child safety catalog
years ago.  They go from handle to handle, and have a lock on a ratchet
so can be tightened to just the right tension without also stressing the
handles.  For one of our's we just have a large, bulky carpeted ferret toy
in front.  They can't move it but we can.  Must have been using that for
about ten year now.  Think we got it from Hildi's store.  It has a carpeted
base and on top are multiple rolling carpeted sections.
[Posted in FML issue 2838]