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Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:46:02 -0700
William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (104 lines)
>From:    Pat Stauffer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Croyden show
[bill mostly since he's a licensed judge but diane too since she is a very
experienced specialty judge]
>For any show, judging ,space and attendance are important issues.  Unless
>someone is dressed offensively, clothing is not.
Okay, a different opinion.  Ferrets have a reputation in many corners for
not being a 'normal' pet.  If an organization chooses to hold a show or
other public event they can help reverse that stereotype or perpetuating
it.  Ferret judges are professionals (you do know we get paid for
championship judging right?) so they have an obligation to present
themselves as professionals.
Sure we judges have 'rights' to not look a certain way but that doesn't
make it a good idea.  The AFA does have dress codes for their judges.  I
agree with them for the most part.  We are not their to be comfortable, we
are paid (okay its VERY low pay, and the costs of attending exceed the pay
but practically no one else at the shows gets paid at all) professionals
performing a professional service.  THe code is very simple, basicaly its
casual business attire.  No ties needed for us guys for example.  Its more
than I dress up for my real job, and thats fine by me.
I as a ferret exhibitor want those judging my ferret to act in a totally
professional manner.  That doesn't mean they cant have fun (any one watched
us judge?  you know what I mean then) We both have fun but we take the job
seriously and perform the job as best we can.  Diane not being a licensed
judge isn't a professional and as such isn't under the same ethical
Those sitting and performing the judging are the most visible
representatives of both the sanctionaing and sponsoring organizations.
When we can get the media there to the shows, the judges are the ones the
media gravitate to as well, shows are primarily about that.  The other
benefits come from folks wanting to be involved with that.  Folks come to
see the spectacle and might leave after having supported the shelters.  Or
from the judging and others they talk to learn more about how to care for
their own ferrets.  Since the judges are the visual focal point it is
imperative that we live up to the responsibilities that come with that.
Dressing the part is a visual way to perform that role.
>From:    Murray Mustelid <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Show Sleuth replies to Scott on Croydon
In general the same comments MM/SS made were the same as the comments we've
heard from attendees we know.  We do appreciate the adding of the positive
comments and agree balance is important in someone taking on this
>And actually now that I think of it, Croydon (last year) was the first
>show I ever noticed to offer a rabies vaccination clinic.  That was
>innovative and good thing to do.
We wonder about that.  To get into the show hall a ferrets should already
be fully vaccinated.  To get full effect from vaccination it shouldn't be
immediately after the treatment or at the very end of the protected period.
IN states such as Maryland where rabies vaccinations are required by law
its a bit iffy to us.  There have been vaccination clinics at fun matches
for many years.  It makes more sense there.  But we are only wondering.  It
probably is a good idea but it would be a better idea to have vaccinations
done prior to shows.  Certainly ferrets being shown should not have to also
go through the stress of a vaccination on the same day they are being
shown, but walk through ferrets getting encouraged to get shots by this
probably is a good thing.
>Finally: I have said it before, but I will say again: If I were to give my
>name, I would NOT be able to fairly report on these shows.
Having been through about the worst of the silly political crap, yes it has
to be done in this anonymous way.  Sure we try to guess who MM/SS is but
with the silly politics it can't be fully open, that is one of the big
problems with all sanctioning and some sponsoring organizations.  AFA, LIFE
and GLFA.  Try to imagine what would come of say bill killian known as a
licensed judge with the AFA posting negatively about the show in Croydon?
Everyone would assume (incorrectly) that anything I had to say was to make
the AFA look better than LOS or LIFE as 'rival' organizations.  How about
if Ann Ryan with her very active role in LOS and LIFE were to post
negatively about the show in Pennsauken (AFA show)?  Everyone would assume
why she said it.  Even if he or she were being completely honest and doing
it for the best of reasons it would be seen as a political attack.
We are looking forward to more reports and hope for one about the show in
Chicago.  We would be disappointed if it were all positive since there
were some problems.  But we see them from a different angle so we welcome
reports from the other side of the judging table.  We also don't know how
much each different problem bothers people so which need the most
addressing.  We also would love to know how much some things that seemed
improvements were noticed and liked or disliked by the exhibitors and
attendees.  OKay, as a judge from the sanctioning organization bill can
only really address those relating to the judging as someone who can work
on fixes.  Can't fix sponsoring organization issues but can learn from
them for future use in shows that we would have more control over.
bill and diane
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2832]