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Sun, 10 Oct 1999 20:25:57 -0700
Murray Mustelid <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (115 lines)
In reply to Scott's post on Show Sleuth being biased and only focusing on
the negative in reports, etc.:
First, thank you for your opinions.  Just because Show Sleuth voices
opinions about a show does not mean that they are the only way that anyone
can feel.  That's what makes them opinions.  I may not have enjoyed the
Croydon show, but if 50 people DID, then I invite -- encourage!!  -- them
to speak up and say so!
After consideration, I will admit that in the case of the Croydon show, I
suppose that I did not offer anything positive about the show.  When Show
Sleuth was created the intent was to report on a show fairly and without
bias.  I still say that the things that I reported were true, fair, and
correct.  But I did not point out any positives.  So to be fair, I will add
the following: the judging seemed to be fair, of the ferrets that I saw
win, I think they deserved it.  Also Croydon awards ferrets with decent
ribbons, and first place with trophies (which all should do!), and even fun
matches with small trophies which is VERY nice.  Another positive thing I
can say is that from vet check-in through the end of the show, Croydon
always seems to be an organized show, usually ending far earlier than most
other shows.  That is something worth remarking about, being organized and
keeping on track, I do apologize for not mentioning these things.  And for
maybe being a bit harsh in how the post was written.  Show Sleuth simply
wrote what came to mind, and I was focused on my disappointment of the
show.  I still should have been more balanced.
But I still stand by all I said in the original post.  In response to some
of the things that you mentioned: first of all I do realize that the show
coordinators have nothing to do with what attendees wear to shows.  But I
did say that some involved in the show were not dressed professionally.  It
is those who are working the show that give the impression of the ferret
community more than the attendees.  Plus, if someone comes to the Croydon
show often, and knows how judges and workers dress, they will be more
likely to dress "down" as well.  Enough about the dress code, though - yes,
I still believe it's important (especially for the next show in Fort
Washington) but there are bigger issues that I have.
As for never reporting fairly, in past reports I have always reported the
good with the bad.  The North Carolina show, how can you say that was a
negative report?  And in the case of Ohio - there truly were problems,
which the organizers themselves admitted - and I did end by saying that in
the past Ohio's shows were great and that I expected that the next one
would be as well.  To me, that s fair reporting.  If you think that fair
reporting is saying  the show was great  well then there's no need for Show
Sleuth.  If you've read my past posts, you know that my purpose is to let
show organizers know what the public is thinking about the shows so they
can make their shows better in the future.  So in that regard, yes, I guess
I have to report bad stuff.  How can they improve if they don't know what
people don't like?
Were you at Croydon?  Have you been to past Croydon shows?  It is still a
fact that they don't try to improve on their show year after year - perhaps
with the exception of moving it to the Fort Washington location in the
future.  I hope it works well there.  And actually now that I think of it,
Croydon (last year) was the first show I ever noticed to offer a rabies
vaccination clinic.  That was innovative and good thing to do.
I assure you I have no axes to grind.  If I didn't like a particular
group/show/organizers, I simply would not attend the show.  I said that
Croydon was always fun and that is why I continued to attend.  This year
I just was disappointed.
On the subject of why do I not name judges that are unprofessional: I
adamantly stand by that decision.  There is no reason to publicly humiliate
any one person.  Why would I say "Joe Doe dresses like scum" for thousands
of readers to see?  No.  I won't do that.  Again, Show Sleuth is here to
alert show coordinators about the things that attendees feel about their
show.  If Croydon s coordinators care about the issue, all they need to do
is think about who was working their show.  They can address the situation
as they see fit.  And furthermore, if they really want me to elaborate,
one-on-one I will talk with them about more specific things.  But there is
no reason to hurt someone s feelings in that way on the FML for everyone to
I d also like to remind everyone that the majority of what Show Sleuth
reports on is based on what I overhear from others, making much of what I
report not even things that I experienced.  If I hated a show, but only
heard good comments from everyone else, Show Sleuth's report would be a
positive one overall.  Remember why I do this: to give show coordinators
information that will hopefully make every show a good one and want people
to attend in the future.  I certainly do not mean to tell people not to go
to the next  Croydon  show, especially since it will be in Fort Washington
and I think that alone will make many of the problems go away.
I am a little confused by the statement that I don't give coordinators a
way to go back to vendors and fix the problem.  I don't understand that...
That is exactly what I am doing.  In one neat package I am delivering a
show summary from the mouths of everyone that I overhear.  Good or bad, I
am giving show organizers the chance to act on the opinions of their
attendees.  What they do with that is up to them.
Finally: I have said it before, but I will say again: If I were to give my
name, I would NOT be able to fairly report on these shows.  Perhaps I am a
LIFE/LOS member.  Could I have possibly reported on Croydon the way I did
if I were?  Maybe I'm good friends with the person who put on Ohio.  Then I
would have to give a glowing report or jeopardize my friendship.  Or maybe
I am involved with putting on a show.  That would make it seem that I did
have an agenda.  The fact is that I just wanted to find a way to help voice
the good and the bad of different shows, with no agenda.  The only way I
can be completely truthful is to be anonymous.  I'm not ashamed of a thing
that I say.  I don't hide for fear of what others will say about me.  But
most of us are too polite to state when they are unhappy about something
even when directly asked.  I am too!  I don't want to be forced into making
something more rosy than it is for appearances sake.
I ll end on this note: everyone who attends shows can help Show Sleuth be
accurate and fair in reporting.  Speak up on your opinions of the shows.
If you do not want to be known who you are, send your opinions to Show
Sleuth at [log in to unmask]  I promise you I will NEVER reveal your
identity to anyone, but will incorporate your comments in future reports.
Help Show Sleuth in the quest for great ferret shows everywhere!
Murray Mustelid the Show Sleuth
[Posted in FML issue 2831]