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Fri, 1 Oct 1999 10:39:38 EDT
Kristin Howe <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
hi thank you to everyone who wrote me, giving me advice on what to feed my
new baby.  she is doing much better now, running around, causing trouble,
all that good stuff.  I wrote here a long time ago, when i got my first
ferret, skunk.  he was from a pet store that had given him to me because
they thought he was deaf and blind.  well now he is almost a year old and
is in perfectly good health, just needed lots of attention.  about three
months after i got skunk i went back to that pet store because there was
a baby ferret there with ece.  so i took ripley home and to the vets.  He
almost died, he was so dehydrated and weak.  i had to force feed him for
almost a month and have the vet administer subq fluids to keep him
hydrated.  during this period i got another call from the store saying a
woman had dropped off a four month old ferret saying she didnt want it
anymore, so madelline came to my house.  she had been severly malnourished
by her previous owner, being fed only tuna fish.  she was so small, but
after a few days of hand feeding, she turned into a little piggy girl.
now ripley and madelline were doing fine and skunk was enjoying having new
friends, everyone was getting along fine.  a few months passed, and now i
have this new baby.  i had told myself before, three is enough!  now im
staying at four, thats it.  well sorry for the long letter but i thought
some of you would get amusment out of what a sucker i am for my kids.  they
have taken over my apartment and my life, but then what is better than
waking up to a little nose sniffing away in your ear?  oh well better go
now.  the kids are waiting for their mid afternoon snack and will break
down the babygate if they dont get it soon.
[Posted in FML issue 2822]