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Sun, 26 Sep 1999 01:19:21 -0600
text/plain (52 lines)
Ok Judy......here is my attempt at humor....(gonna help you).  I'm sure all
of you remember or heard about the rock albums that when played backwards
were actually satanic rituals.  Do you know what you get when the Morman
Tabernacle Choir is played backwards??  100,000.00 recipies for Lime Jello!
Now remember I live in Utah.
Hey Judy want to meet in Vegas (only 5 hours from me)  Maybe we'll get rich
and build a Ferret Palace........Giggles..... Now the other stuff.  I may
have a new baby.....his name is Rambo.  Will meet him on Tuesday when I go
to St. George (Meeko's adrenal surg. date)  Guess he is young and likes
to bite faces.  That's okay, we'll just love the bite outta him.  I always
liked Sylvester...a little rough the edges, but what a guy.  See ya tuesday
( I know this isn't ferret stuff but a friend can use a lot of
Now the sad stuff.  A friend of ours (a really good cop) was shot as was
his dog Max.  Max gave his life to save John and was buried by our county
sherrifs office.  It has been touch and go with John.  He might loose his
leg and will probrably have to retire with a wife and kids.  John and his
dog were really great cops.When my father passed 2 years ago.  I had to
leave my kids with thier dad.(no flames please) Anyway, a stranger tried
to carry my daughter off she was 12.  John caught the guy and he is now in
prison.  My son and daughter gave John an angel to wear on his hat.  John
is my childrens Gaurdian Angel and can use all the prayers we can give
him........so am asking all of you to maybe think about John and Max.
And now for the really funny......As I was talking on the phone to Sherrie
in Hurricane, I noticed my daughters cat (Gotta get her fixed) crawling
across the floor in a very seductive way, waving her behind in everyones
face.  The dog(pit bull looking really confused), and all 5 ferrets.  All
but one thought the cat was wierd and left to explore the kitchen and the
turtles.  My dear sweet Adidas( 8 months old), decided that HE WAS GONNA
BE A FATHER.  Adidas proceeded to grab the cat by the neck and mount her.
By this time I was laughing so hard(while
looking for the camera) I dropped the phone.  Sherrie was cracking up and
I think I managed to get one picture before my daughter Jamie grabbed her
poor mistreated kitty while telling me I was mean as I laugh- ed at her and
her poor stupid cat.  Now I know this ferret is fixed and descented but you
would never have known it.  I am still laughing......
Well sorry for the long post.....Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.
Gracie and the Menagerie
Meeko.....love my fox fur coat...
Duncan....new kitty? thought it was a chew weazel
Honey.....gimme pizza
Baby Odie..I'm a sweety
Adidas....here kitty, kitty, kitty
[Posted in FML issue 2817]