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Fri, 24 Sep 1999 20:05:38 EDT
text/plain (20 lines)
To Ferret Aid Society:I wish I could change the world for Taz and all
ferrets dumped on the doorstep.  I am so sorry for the suffering of all
that occurs when people give up their older ferrets.  That is why the
shelter poems really hit me hard.  There are so many good things written
here.  But the ones that bring reality into focus for me are the ones that
grab my heart and twist it.  They remind me that a healthy baby at the pet
store is going to have a chance at life.  It is the homeless or sick animal
that really needs the security of a home that I can provide-when the inn is
not full.
To the Petersens: Congratulations on your new status!!!  I look forward to
your next newsletter.
Judy: Thank you for sharing your knowledge.  Are you bringing the gorgeous
White Russian to the show in 2 weeks?
Jacqueline: You put in a few sentences an entire picture.  I view it,
relate to it, and burst out laughing.  You go girl.
[Posted in FML issue 2815]