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Fri, 24 Sep 1999 15:02:12 -0400
Georgette Peters <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Hi everyone - hope everyone's morning as less exciting/nerve-wracking than
This morning I got up and went upstair to wake up the kids and get their
day going.  When I picked up Geisha (our six and half year old sable
female), I noticed that her eye was a bit weepy and there seemed to be
something irritating it.  There was a piece of loose fur or other, got that
out of the way and wiped her eye.  Took a closer look, it seemed fine.  I
then went downstairs to do some housework and have some breakfast.
About a half hour later, I went back up to the ferrets' room with a plate
of duck soup goop.  Tessa and Frodo dug in and I found Geisha curled up
napping (she does alot of this lately - ageing is no fun!).  When she
opened her eyes to look at me, I noticed that there was a small spot of her
eye that was CLOUDY!!!  It wasn't like that when I first woke her up and
noticed that her eye was abit runny.  I just about freaked!!  however, she
wanted her portion of the goop, so I let her eat while I made a few phone
calls.  I got an appointment at my regular vet for 12:15.  It was 11:00
at that time.  I took a whirlwind shower, got dressed, popped Geisha into
the front of my overalls and brought along the carrier just in case.  She
napped most of the way there, occasionally peeking out to see where we were.
By the time we got to the vet's, more of her eye was looking cloudy.  The
vet thought that it was possible that she had damaged the eye somehow and
that it probably wasn't a cataract.  He wiped the eye with a Ph (?) paper
and then put drops in it.  He then turned out the lights and shone a
fluorescent light on her eye.  IT GLOWED!!  This indicated that she had
scraped the top lipid layer of her eye.  He showed me an illustration of
the different layers of the eye and prescribed some drops.  We have to go
back next Friday to see if the drops are helping.  They should help heal
the eye as well as prevent any infection.  Chloralean eye drops and we have
to do them every six hours.  I tell you she is NOT impressed.  The vet (not
my regular one who is Rick Axelson) said he couldn't be certain how long it
would take for her eye to heal.
I had to ask another question - if the eye doesn't properly heal, then
what??  He mentioned using some of the other eye tissue to reconstruct the
eye.  I don't know if I'm comfortable with that idea - if the surgery isn't
successful couldn't the infection come back and cause other problems.  She
is also six and half - wouldn't it be better just to remove the eye.
Knowing Geisha it won't slow her down - hopefully, it won't come to that
but somehow I fell that's the better option.
Anyone else deal with this before??  Any suggestions/tips?  Please feel
free to post here - but also e-mail me directly (easier for me to print
out the info) at -
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Thanks for any help you can give - take care and hugs to all! oxo
George, Jasper and the Crew (Geisha - Just leave my *&^$*(%$) eye alone!!)
[Posted in FML issue 2815]