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Thu, 23 Sep 1999 16:30:10 -0400
Carrie Paps <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Lisette wrote,
>Not that long ago, someone wanted money for a sick ferret.  The person was
>in desperate financial straights.  About 2 weeks later-guess what?  This
>person brought home another ferret!!  Who wants to feel stupid for being
>kind?  Not me.  But I would have if I had given that person money.
No, Lisette, you would not have been stupid.  For all the people that
contacted me privately, I asked for their address so I may refund the
money when I was able.
As for my situtation, how dare you assume that I have not done everything
that I can.  My husband is severly ill and hospitalized, I have had to
apply for food stamps to feed us, have had to apply for disablity to keep a
roof above our heads, I work 60 hours a week.  I take a bus to work to save
money on gas and parking.  We have sold one of our cars but that money went
to my husbands care.  I have started growing my hair so I can cut it myself
instead of paying for it.  I have a serious skin disease, I entered into a
medical study so I could get free medication and save money.  I'm so
thankful that I have a position that I can work all the extra hours and get
over time, but realistically, it doesn't cover everything.  I have done all
I can, sold all I can.
I NEVER asked anyone to send me money.  It was sent to my vet, No money
from the WONDERFUL FML PEOPLE who contacted me touched my hands, it all has
gone to my ferrets.  And as to why I was so stupid to bring home another
ferret, this animal was going to be euthanized because she had a tumor on
the tip of her tail.  Not a life treatening illness for a ferret.  Her name
is Angel and I know why, she is an Angel.  She has been there for me when
I'm crying over my husband, she is new to my home but has given me so much
joy.  I'm not arguing that it was not the time to take in another animal
but I don't regret it.
I would like to formally thank everyone who did "loan" or "donate" me
(through my vet).  Your kindness made me cry, your thoughts and prayers
for us have touched my heart.
If anyone else is interested in donating or loaning (which I will pay
back), please contact me privatly at [log in to unmask]
Lisette, for you I have a special prayer, may you learn to trust people
again.  I'm sorry your experience with people asking for help has been
regretable, I can tell you, it took a lot for me to swallow my pride and
ask for help, and I'm so happy that there are still wonderful people who
exist in this world.
And one last thing, I have had help from the family and friends that
support myself and my husband, but as our "family" is not fond of the
ferrets already, no funds go to them.  The family will buy our groceries,
and other items, but no cash is given.  I appreicate and love each and
every one of them, I have no regrets on the help they have offered and
given, and because of this, I respect their wish not to spend their money
on the ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 2814]