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Mon, 20 Sep 1999 23:10:34 EDT
Teresa Coffey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
I have recently become aware of the allegations lodged against Kevin
Gilbert and Desert Moon Ferrets.  I do not know the details of the
transaction in question, however, I CAN tell everyone about my dealings
with Kevin.
I lost my beloved Tasha at the first of July to adrenal cancer.  It was a
devastating experience and I was not sure that I would ever have another
ferret.  After a few weeks, I began cruising the web, looking at the
various ferret web pages.  I eventually began to look at the ferret breeder
web pages and came across Kevin's page.  We began talking via email and I
soon decided that I would try again.  Kevin spent a great deal of time
talking to me about what I was looking for in a ferret.  He sent photos
(not just the photos on the page, but new photos) of any of the kits I
thought I might like.  He probably spent as much money returning my long
distance phone calls as I did calling him.  He answered my multitude of
questions with kindness and patience.  He knew that I was very anxious that
I could not go to Arizona in person to pick out the kit myself and worked
with me until I had finally made a choice.  The kit I picked was not old
enough to travel until August 7.  This put us in the heat of the summer and
in conflict with almost every flight out of Phoenix due to the heat
embargo.  The flights we could find usually had some kind of excessive lay
over that prohibited the airlines from agreeing to ship.  It took over a
week to finally find a flight that was acceptable but he finally arrived.
The people at the Continental office here in OKC told me that they couldn't
believe we had even been able to get him out of Phoenix and that they were
anticipating a full embargo to be announced any time and probably extending
into mid September!
The kit, a black sable male we named Teddy, is absolutely perfect in health
and temperament.  He is affectionate, playful and adores my two girls ages
5 and 9.  Kevin could not have made a more perfect match that Teddy.  Teddy
is now about 13-14 weeks old.  His litter box hit rate has been 100% for
the past 3-4 weeks.  He has never nipped or bit any of us.  My 9 year old
lugs him around all over the place and he loves every minute of it!  The
last time we were at the vet for shots, he weighed in at almost 2 3/4
pounds.  It looks like he is going to be a big boy just like his father,
Bear.  For those of you that would like to see Teddy, go to
www.Desertmoonferrets.com and open the high band width page.  Teddy peeking
out from under a shelf is the first picture you will see.
I don't know what happened with the Crowell's.  My dealings with Kevin
Gilbert went smoothly and the outcome was more perfect than I could have
ever hoped for.
Kevin, if you ever read this post, I want to give you a very big public
"Thank You!".  If it had not been for you, I might never had given ferrets
another try and our lives would certainly be less rich without our darling
Teddy.  We are looking forward to next years litters and hope that you can
match us up again with a playmate for Teddy.  I know that there are other
breeders out there but you will have our business as long as we own
Teresa (and Teddy, of course)
[Posted in FML issue 2811]